- Prof. Ahmad Alkhazim AlGhamdi
Eng. Adullah Boqshan Chair for Bee Research
King Saud University
E-mail: aalkhazim@gmail.com
- Dr. Mohammmad Javed Ansari,
Assistant Professor,
Chair of Eng. Abdullah Baqshan for Bee Research
Department of Plant Protection
College of Food and Agricultural Sciences
King Saud University- Riyadh, 11451 | www.ksu.edu.sa |
P O Box- 51178, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Telephone: +966-11-4679661(Off), 46796001(Off), 46796639(Lab)
Mobile: (+966-594943252)
Email: mjavedansari@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mjavedansari
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ Mohammad_Ansari7
Skype: mjavedansari
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjavedansari1
Googlescholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/ citations?user=KyWBLqkAAAAJ& hl=en
- Tarek Hassan
Business Development Manager
Elite Network – Saudi Arabia
Mobile + 966 50 82 10 131
E-mail: telgeneidy@yahoo.com
- Sheikh Faiz Mohamed Al Githami
Al Rajhi Center, Al Azizia, Makkah
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Tel: 966 50 3838 777
Fax: 966 2 6705 113
E-mail: alnahalaljawal@hotmail.com
Umran Afzal
I’m interested in having bee sting therapy to look into seeing if it cures mine and my sisters MS.
I like to learn about apitherapy specially bee stings