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  • *** La BIBLE, livre de “l’Exode”, chapitre 3, versets 7 et 8.



  • *** GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC. LAWS and STATUTES (1927-1930)    Verordnung über Honig vom 21 März 1930 (R.G.Bl. I, 101).



  • *** BEE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (1963)  –  Selected list of publications on uses of honey.
    Bibliogr. Bee Res. Ass. # 1,  7 pp.


  • *** BEE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (1964)  –  Selected list of publications on the composition and properties of honey. Bibliogr. Bee Res. Ass. # 5,  8 pp.                                 647L/64.



  • *** (1965)  –  Le miel dans l’alimentation de l’allaité,
    in Rev. Esp. Pediatr. 21 (123),  pp.333-340.



  • *** CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISION (1969)  –  Recommended European Regional Standard for Honey. CACIRS 12-1969. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, Roma, Italy, 24 pp.                                                        507L / 72



  • *** Australian Honey Board (1973)  –  The Australian honey recipe book.
    Sydney: Australian Honey Board, pp. 40.



  • *** (1976, 1980, 1981, 1989) (Romania)  –  Apitherapy today. On the composition and utilisation of bee products and preparations in nutrition and therapeutics with regard to their biological value.
    Apimondia Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania.
    English edition, 1976, 107 pp. (***);
    French edition, 1976, 105 pp (***);
    German edition, 1980, 103 pp. (***);
    Romanian second edition, 1981;
    Romanian third edition, 1989, 103 pp. (***).
  • *** Center for Disease Control (1978) (USA)  –  Follow-up on infant botulism -United States, California,
    in Morbid Mortal Weekly Report 27,  pp.17-18, 23 (***-abstract).


  • *** Center for Disease Control (1978) (USA)  –  Honey exposure and infant botulism,
    in Morbid Mortal Weekly Report 27,  pp.249-250, 255 (***-abstract).
  • *** Revue Française d’Apiculture (1981) (France)   Apitherapie.
    Revue Française d’Apiculture, 399, supplement,  104 pages.
  • *** SOUSTRA HOSPITAL ARCHAEOETHNO-PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH PROJECT (1986)  –  Sharp. Practice 1.  The first report on researches into the medieval hospital of Soustra, Lothian region.
    Sharp. Edinburgh.  130 pp.                           657/89.
  • *** CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMMISION (1988) Codex committee on general practices – ninth session – agenda item 6. CX/GP 8917 Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme; Rome, Italy.



  • *** CODEX ALIMENTARIUS COMISSION (II) (1997)  –  Intrunire internationalã asupra valorizarii mierii,
    in Apimondia News Letter, # 4;
    in Romania apicolã, # 7, 1997,  p.28-31 (Romanian) (***).



  • *** (1982) (USA)  – Hospitals using honey as a fast new antibiotic (Editorial),
          in American Bee Journal 122 (4),  p.247.



  • *** (1983)  –  Honey and infant botulism: second report,
    in Bee World 64(4),  pp.148-149 (***-abstract).


  • *** (1987)  –  Honey cure,
    in Soil and Health (New Zealand) (Winter),  p.41.



  • *** FAO/WHO (1970)  –  Recommended European Regional Standards for Honey,
    in Bee World 51(2),  pp.79-91.



  • *** International Trade Centre (1986)  –  Honey: a survey of major markets.
    167 pp. (International trade information not published elsewhere: product requirements, packaging, storage, transport, sales, market access).



  • *** Fachbuchverlag Leipzig (1986, 1990)  –  Honig in der küche. 151 seiten. ISBN 3-343-00664-5. (Titel des Originalausgabe: Mierea in bucatarie.
    Verlag: Apimondia, Bucuresti, 1986 (***).



  • *** Apimondia Publishing House (1988)  –  World Cooking with Honey. 143 pp. (***).



  • *** Romanian Institute for Standardisation (1989)  –  Honey.
    STAS # 784/1,2,3-89  (***).



  • *** IITEA Apimondia (1990)    Some traditional recipes with honey cakes (Romanian),
    in Romania apicolã, Oct.,  p.31-32 (***);
    in Romania apicolã, Nov.,  p.32 (***).



  • *** Paris Match (1991) (France)  –  Honey, a more important place in the correct alimentation,
    in Romania apicolã, December,  p.15-16 (Romanian) (***).



  • ***  (1992   )    Can the smoke used by beekeepers to deteriorate the honey’s taste and aroma ? (Romanian),
    in Romania apicolã, Mai,  p.20 (***).



  • ***  (1992)  –  What is H.M.F. ? (Romanian),
    in Romania apicolã, Mai,  p.20-21 (***).



  • *** (1993) (France)  –  Le miel pour conserver des greffons cutanés,
    in Revue Française d’Apiculture, # 528, Avril,  p.178 (***).



  • *** Science News 144 (1993)  –  Sweet route to heading off colon cancer,  p.207.



  • *** American Health Foundation (1994) (USA)  –  Honey helps against colon cancer,
    in First Magazine;
    in Bee Culture;
    in Bee sCene, volume 10, # 3, July,  p.15 (***-abstract).



  • *** A.I. Root Co. (1994) (USA)  –  Selling honey.
    46 pp. (Useful nuggets of information).



  • *** Apitherapy in Romania (1994)  (Romanian).
    Apimondia Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania, 174 pp.  ISBN  973-605-016-5 (***).



  • *** (1995) (Canada)  –  Infant Botulism and Honey,
    in Bee sCene, vol. 11, # 1, January,  p.4 (***).



  • *** (1997) (Canada)  –  The Radiant, Youthful Beekeeper,
    in Bee sCene, June, # 3, vol. 13,  p.17 (reprinted from an old issue of Bee Line) (***).



  • *** (1997) (Spain)  –  Como cura la miel.
    Editorial Oasis.
    ISBN: 84-7901-211-0.
  • Honey and healing, Ed. Pamela Munn & Richard Jones.
    IBRA 2001, 49 pages. ISBN : 0-85092-240-8.
  • *** (June 2002) (European Commission)  –  Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Veterinary Measures related to Public Health on Honey and Microbiological Hazards (***-pdf document, see ; click on “Products” than on “Honey”).
  • *** Ed. R J White, R A Cooper, P Molan, Sponsored by Advancis Medical –   Honey: A Modern Wound Management Product.
    ISBN: 0-9549193-0-0.



  • Accorti,M.,  Piazza Maria Gioia,  Persano Oddo Livia (1983) (Italy) –  La conductibilité electrique et les cendres des miels,
    in the XXIX-Th. Apimondia Congress, Budapest, Hungary,  p. 67 (*** – abstract).



  • Accorti,M.,  Persano Oddo Livia,  Gioia Piazza Maria et al. (1986) (Italy)  –  Schede di caractterizzazione delle principali qualita di miele italiano,
    in Apicoltura, 2,  pp.1-34.


  • Accorti,M.,  Piazza Maria Gioia,  Persano Oddo Livia (1987) (Italy)  –  Electric conductivity and ashes  content of honey,
    in Apiacta, #1,  pp.19-20 (***).



  • Acton,B.,  Duncan,P. (1965)  –  Making mead.
    Andover, Hants.: Amateur Winemaker, 60 pp.


  • Adesunkanmi, K.;  Oyelami, O. A. (1994)  –  The pattern and outcome of burn injuries at Wesley Guild Hospital, Ilesha, Nigeria: a review of 156 cases,
    in Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 97 (2),  pp.108-112.



  • Brother Adam (1953, 1978)  –  Mead.
    in Bee World 34(8),  p.149-56, 1953;
    IBRA’s Reprint M12. ISBN 0 86098 055 3. (***).



  • Adams RT. J.,  Smith,M.V. (1981)  –  Seasonal pollen analysis of nectar from the hive and extracted honey,
    in Journal of Apicultural Research, 20 (4),  pp.243-48.



  • Aganin, A. V. (1968) (USSR)  –  Determination des propriétés antibiotiques du miel par la bonne methode (Sensibility of cultures, decreasing: S.pyrogenes aureus 209, S.enteridis Gartneri, B. pseudoanthracis, B. colli communis),
    in Trudy Saratov.zootrkh,vet.Inst. 15;  pp.301-303.



  • Agostino Barbaro,A.;  La Rosa, C. and Zanelli, C. (1961) (Italy)  –  Activité antibacterienne des miels de Sicile,
    in Quad.Nutr 21(1/2),  pp.30-34


  • Aguar,O.,  Carvajal,L.,  Faus,G. (1991) (Spain)  –  Monofloral honeys. The identification of aromatic compounds through gaseous chromatography,
    in Apiacta XXVI, # 3,  pp.65-68 (***).


  • Ahmad,R. (1989) (Pakistan)    Justicia Adhatoda, une plante mellifere medicinale importante au Pakistan,
    in the XXXII-Nd. Apimondia Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,  p.549 (***-abstract).



  • Ahmad,R. (1989) (Pakistan)    Baiker (Justicia Adhatoda), an important medicinal plant in Pakistan,
    in the XXXII-Nd. Apimondia Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,  p.549 (***-abstract + German and Spanish abstracts).
  • Akopyan, Z . M. (1972) (USSR-Armenia)  –  Effet du miel sur l’activité de quelques antibiotiques,
    in Biologicheskii Zhurnal Armeni, 25(5);  pp.88-90.
  • Ali, A. T.;  al-Swayeh, O. A.;  al-Humayyd, M. S.;  Mustafa, A. A.;  al-Rashed,  R. S.;  al-Tuwaijiri, A. S. (Saudi Arabia) (1997)  –  Natural honey prevents ischaemia-reperfusion-induced gastric mucosal lesions and increased vascular permeability in rats,
    in Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol., Nov; 9 (11),  pp.1101-1107.
  • Al Somai,N.,  Coley,K.E.,  Molan,C.Peter,  Hancock,B.M. (1994) Susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to the Antibacterial Activity of Manuka Honey,
    in Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87 (1),  pp.9-12.
  • al-Swayeh OA, et al. (1998)  –  Effect of ablation of capsaicin-sensitive neurons on gastric protection by honey and sucralfate,
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  • Alcala, A. M. (1977)  –  Water activity of honey and growth of osmotolerant microorganisms,
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  • Ali A.F.M.,  El-Banby,A.Mohamed,  Sammour,M.B. (1985) (Egypt)  The effect of pure honey on the hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (Romanian),
    in the XXX-Th. Apimondia Congress, Nagoya, Japan,  pp.417-420 (***).



  • Ali,A.F.M.,  El-Banby,A.Mohamed,  Mohamed,Adlia A.W. (1995) (Egypt)  –  The effect of pure honey on the hypertensive disorders in pregnancy,
    in the XXXIV-Th. Apimondia Congress, Lausanne, Switzerland (***).



  • Ali AT, et al. (1997)  –  Natural honey prevents ischaemia-reperfusion-induced gastric mucosal lesions and increased vascular permeability in rats,
    in Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, Nov;9(11),  pp.1101-7.


  • Alison,F.,  Narbouton,R. (1959)  –  Le miel dans la diététique du premier age,
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  • Al-Khalidi,A.,  Jawad,F.H.,  Tawfiq,N.H. (1980)  –  Effects of bees honey, zhadi date and its syrup on blood glucose and serum insulin of diabetics,
    in Nutrition Reports International 21(5),  pp.631-643.       297/82.


  • Allen,K.L.;  Molan,P.C.;  Reid,G.M. (1991) (New  Zealand)  –  The variability of the antibacterial activity of honey,
    in Apiacta, XXVI, # 4,  pp.114-121 (***).



  • Allen,K.L.;  Molan,P.C.;  Reid,G.M. (1991) (New  Zealand)  –  A survey of the antibacterial activity of some New Zealand honeys,
    in Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 43(12),  pp.817-22.


  • Allen, K. L.;  Molan, C. Peter (1997)  –  The sensitivity of mastitis-causing bacteria to the antibacterial activity of honey,
    in New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research  40,  pp.537-540.



  • Alles,G.K.,  Alles,T.P. (1965) (USSR)  –  Miel et santé (Russian).                  Talinn: Kirjastus “Eesti Raamat”.  103 pp.                     330L/66.



  • Amiot,M.J.,  Aubert,S.,  Gonnet,M.,  Tacchini,M. (1989) (France)  –  Les composés phénoliques des miels: étude préliminaire sur l’identification et la quantification par familles,
    in Apidologie 20(2),  p.115.



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  • Archenti,A.,  Dasso,I. (1983)  –  Composición química de mieles de la provincia de Chubut,
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  • Arnon, S. Stephen;  Midura, F. Thaddeus;  Damus, Karla, Thompson, Barbara, Wood, Ronald M. and Chin, James (1979)  –  Honey and other environmental risk factors for infant botulism,
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  • Astwood, K.; Lee, B. and Manley-Harris, M. (1998)  –  Oligosaccharides in New Zealand honeydew honey,
    in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 46,  pp.4958-4962.



  • Atallah,M.A.,  Soliman,M.A.,  Osman,F. (1983) (Egypt)  –  Les effets du stockage sur l’arome de quelques miels egyptiens,
    in the XXIX-Th. Apimondia Congress, Budapest, Hungary,  p.72-73 (***-abstract).



  • Atallah,M.A.,  Eldin,M.A.F.,  Turk,S.A. (1983) (Egypt)  –  La teneur en acides  amines des miels de trefle provenant de deux regions d’Egipte, avant et apres le stockage,
    in the XXIX-Th. Apimondia Congress, Budapest, Hungary,  p.71 (***-abstract).



  • Aubert, S. (1976) (France)  –  Influence de la couleur des aliments et boissons sur leur acceptabilité.
    Cah. Nutrition et diététique. XI (I),  pp.15-30.


  • Aubert,S.,  Gonnet,M. (1983) (France)  –  Mesure de la couleur des miels,
    in Apidologie 14 (2),  p.105.
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  • Aureli,P.,  Ferrini,A.M.,  Negri,S. (1983) (Italy)  –  Clostridium botulinum spores in honey,
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  • Austin, G. H. (1958)  –  Maltose content of Canadian honeys and its probable effects on crystallization,
    in the X-Th. International Congress of Entomology, 4,  pp.1001-1006.



  • Auzinger, A. (1910)  –  Über Fermente im Honig und den Wert ihres Nachweises für die Honigbeurteilung,
    in Zeitschrift für Untersuchung Nahrung- und Genussmittel, 17(2),  p.65-83 (English translation held in IBRA library, E609).
    Weiter Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fermentreaktion des Honigs. Ibid. 17(7),  pp.353-362.



  • Avrãmoiu, S. et al. (1976) (Romania)  –  Polenul si mierea, sustinatori naturali ai efortului fizic de performantã,
    in Apicultura in Romania, 3,  p.7.



  • Bacon,J.S.D.,  Dickinson,B. (1957)  –  The origin of melezitose: a biochemical relationship between the lime tree (Tilia sp.) and an aphis (Eucallipteris tiliae L.),
    in Biochemistry Journal, 66,  pp.289-299.



  • Bagó,Gy.,  Szakolczai,J. (1983) (Hungary)  –  Depistage des produits medicamenteux dans le miel,
    in the XXIX-Th. Apimondia Congress, Budapest, Hungary (***-abstract).



  • Balica,Gh.,  Dumitru,I.,  Brasoveanu,L.,  Predut,J.,  Potînca,D. (Romania)  –  New spectrophotometric method of identification of reducing sugars in honey,
    in the XXVII-Th. Apimondia Congress, Athens, Greece,  pp.481-83 (***).



  • Balica Gh.,  Dumitru I.,  Brasoveanu I.,  Predut J.,  Potinca D. (1979) (Romania)  –  Une nouvelle methode de dosage spectrophoto-metrique des glucides reducteurs du miel,
    in the XXVII-Th. Apimondia Congress, Athens, Greece.



  • Balslev, T.;  Ostergaard, E.;  Madsen, I. K.;  Wandall, D. A. (1997) (Denmark)  – Infant botulism. The first culture-confirmed Danish case,
    in Neuropediatrics, Oct; 28 (5),  pp.287-288.



  • Banby,M.A. et al. (1988) (Egypt)  –  Healing effect of floral honey from sugar-fed bee, on surgical wounds (animal model),
    in Proceedings of the 4th International conference on apiculture in tropical climates, Cairo, 1988,      IBRA; Cardiff, UK;  pp.46-49.



  • Bansal,R.D.,  Ghosh,B.N.,  Bhardwaj,U.D.,  Joshi,S.C. (1973)  –  Infant feeding and weaning practices at Simla-Hills, Himachal Pradesh,
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  • Barbier,  Valin,E.J. (1957) (France)  –  Détérmination de la couleur des miels.
    Ann. Falsif. des Fraudes,  pp.400-11.
  • Barisic,D.,  Bromenshenk,J.J.,  Hus,M.,  Kauzlaric,Z.,  Kezic,N.,  Kraljevic,P.,  Lulic,S.,  Seletkovic,Z.,  Vertacnik,A. (1997) (Croatia)  –  Radionuclides and Selected Elements in Soil, Spruce and Fir Branches and in Honey from Gorski Kotar, Croatia,
    in the XXXV-Th. Apimondia Congress, Antwerp, Belgium (WORRE 367).
  • Bartels, W.;  Fauth, A. (1933)  –  Beobachtungen bei der Untersuchung californischer Honige,
    in Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Lebensmittel 66,  pp.396-407.
  • Barth, Ortrud Monika (1989)  –  O Pólen no Mel Brasileiro.
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  • Basson, N. J.;  du Toit, I. J.;  Grobler, S. R. (1994) (South Africa)  – Antibacterial action of honey on oral streptococci,
    in J Dent Assoc S Afr, Jul;49(7),  pp.339-341.
  • Basson, Nicolaas J., Grobler Sias R. (South Africa) (2008) – Antimicrobial activity of two South African honeys produced from indigenous Leucospermum cordifolium and Erica species on selected micro-organisms,
    in Biomed Central Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2008; 8:1472 (***).
  • Bastos,E.M.,  Brandão,M.,  Gastelois,B. (1995) (Brazil)  –  Le spectre pollinique des miels produits dans l’état de Minas Gerais, Brésil,
    in Apiacta XXX, #2,  pp.42-45 (***).
  • Battaglini,M.,  Bosi,G.,  Ricciardelli D’Albore,G. (1971) (Italy)   –Microscopical and physico-chemical characteristics of some unifloral italian honeys,
    in the XXIII-Rd. Apimondia Congress, Moscow, USSR,  p.590 (***-abstract).



  • Bauer, L.; Kohlich, A.; Hirschwehr, R.; Siemann, U.; Ebner, H.; Scheiner,O.; Kraft, D.; Ebner, C. (1996)  –  Food allergy to honey,  pollen or bee products? Characterisation of allergenic proteins in honey by means of immunoblotting,
    in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 97 (1),  pp.65-73.



  • Bänziger Erica (1997) (Switzerland)  –  Honig. Genuss und Gesundheit aus dem Bienenstock.
          Augsburg: Midena Verlag GmbH, ISBN 3-310-00395-7, 125 pp. (***).


  • Beck, F. Bodog (1938, 1997)  –  Honey and health.
    New York: Robert M. McBride, 272 pp.;
    Health Resources Press, Inc. ISBN – 1-890708-02. 246 pp.



  • Beck F. Bodog;  Smedley, D. (1944) (USA)  –  Honey and Your Health.
    New York: McBride, 246 pp.



  • Becker (1988)    Therapeutique et  miel,
    in L’ Abeille de France, Mai,  p.241-243 ( the properties of mono-flower honey; indications; honey and diabetes, honey and medicinal plants etc.) (***).



  • Beetsma,Joop (editor) (1992)  –  Bees and Forest in the Tropics.
    141 pp. (much useful discussion of tropical beekeeping and forestry).



  • Bengsch, E.   Le miel, aliment réparateur,
    Fiche edité par l’U.N.A.F. (***).



  • Bentler, W.;  Frese, E. (1981)  –  Mikrobielle Beschaffenheit und Ruckstandsuntersuchungen von Bienenhonig,
    in Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 32(4),  pp.130-135 (***-abstract).



  • Bergman,A.,  Yanai,J.,  Weiss,J.,  Bell,D.,  Menachem,P.D.,  David, M.P. (1983)  –  Acceleration of wound healing by topical application of honey. An animal model,
    in The American Journal of Surgery 145,  pp.374-376.



  • Bergner,K.G.,  Hahn,H. (1972)  –  Zum Vorkommen und Herkunft der freien Aminosäuren in Honig,
    in Apidologie 3(1),  pp.5-34.



  • Bergner,K.G.,  Diemair,S. (1975)  –  Proteins des Bienenhonigs. II. Gelchromatographie, enzymatische Aktivität und Herkunft von Bienenhonig-Proteinen,
    in Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel Untersuchung und Forschung 157,  pp.7-13.


  • Bernal, J. L.;  del Nozal, M. J.;  Toribio, L.;  Jimenez, J. J.;  Atienza, J. (1997) (Spain)  –  High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of benomyl and carbendazim residues in apiarian samples,
    in J Chromatogr A, Nov 7; 787 (1-2),  pp.129-136.



  • Bernardini Battaglini,M.,  Bosi,G. (1971) (Italy)  –  Determination of glucides by G.L.C. and its possibilities for honey  qualification,
    in the XXIII-Rd. Apimondia Congress, Moscow, USSR,  p.579-82 (***).



  • Berto, Hazel (1972)  –  Cooking with honey.
    New York: Crown Publishers, 234 pp.



  • Bhandari,N.R.,  Patel,G.P. (1973)  –  Dietary and feeding habits of infant in various socio-economic groups,
    in Indian Pediatrics 10(4),  pp.233-238.



  • Bharti,Lavinia (1982, 1985)  –  Solution of Honey-Dextran for the conservation of eye’s cornea (English; Romanian),
    in Indian Bee Journal, #1, 1982,  p.7-8;
    in Apicultura in Romania, February, 1985,  pp.31-32 (***).



  • Bianchi, E. M. (1979) (Argentine)  –  La miel. Características y Composición.
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  • Bianchi, E. M. (1981) (Argentine)   –  Le miel, aliment naturel ideal,
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