Daca doriti sa ne transmiteti o marturie privind vindecarea unui pacient prin apiterapie va rugam sa nu uitati ca apiterapia (ca multe alte forme de tratament naturist/integrativ) trateaza nu boli, ci bolnavi. Trimiteti-ne deci, neaparat, urmatoarele detalii minime despre pacient:
• Varsta, sexul, profesia/ocupatia, domiciliul
• Ce afectiuni a mai avut in trecut
• Daca in familia pacientului sunt si alti membri care au avut sau au aceeasi afectiune
• Factori favorizanti ai bolii : a) alimentatia (scrieti ce grupuri de alimente a consumat predominant pacientul in ultimii aprox. 5-10 ani); b) stilul de viata (enumerati problemele emotionale, lipsa unui somn indestulator, stresul, etc.); c) tratamente incorect efectuate in trecutul apropiat sau indepartat
• Ce medicamente pe baza chimica sau tratamente specifice medicinii alopate a folosit pacientul, inainte de a utiliza (si) produsele apicole ?
• Ce produse apicole a folosit, in ce forme de administrare si ce doze
• Daca a avut sau are reactii adverse (exemplu intoleranta sau alergie) la unele produse apicole sau la la diverse substante/alimente.
• Descrieti cat mai in detaliu cum a evoluat si evolueaza in prezent pacientul sub tratament/cura cu produse apicoleDear Bee Friend,
If you want to send us a testimonial (or to get one from somebody else) it is extremely important that you give us as many as possible details.
Here is a possible plan for your testimonial:
* Name…… * Sex….
* Age… * Address………
* Write a precise description of the medical history of the person who tells his/her story (what diseases, conditions has he/she had in the past, starting with the childhood).
* Detailed description of the present health status (symptoms, signs, diagnosis given by the MD, but also, if possible, by the Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Homeopath, Ayurveda specialists.
* Detailed description of what treatments have been made in the past and their effects.
* What bee products have been used? In what pharmaceutical forms (raw, tincture, injections, suppositories etc.)? In what doses and in what dosage (3 a day, every second day etc., etc.)?
* What was the evolution of symptoms after taking/using the bee products?
* Was the healing/improvement confirmed by the local MD’s or health practitioners?
* Are there any “material” proofs (X-Rays, blood, urine analysis, EKG, EMG, MRI, etc.)?
* What is the general apitherapy protocol that the patient is following now?
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