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Ecuadorian Apitherapy Association / Sociedad de Apiterapia del Ecuador

Presidente: Dr. Andrés Castillo 

Secretario: Tecnólogo Naturópata Sr. César Escudero
Tesorera: Dra. Elva Velasco Meneses
Coordinador de Medicina Alopática: Dra. Elsie de Moreano
Alterno: Dr. Damian Ajila
Coordinador de Medicina Alternativa: Tecnóloga Naturópata Sra. Teresa Ochoa
Alterno Tecnólogo Naturópata: Sr. Antonio Trujillo
Coordinador de Medicina Veterinaria: Dr. Jorge Ortega
Alterno estudiante de Medicina Veterinaria Sr. Hugo Rosero
Coordinador de Apicultores y Producción Limpia. Ing. Agr. José Cabrera, Msc.
Alterno: Msc en Radiología. Pedro Narvaez

Laboratorio La Melifera

Calle Diego de Vacas N77-30 y Av. Clemente Yerovi
Carcelén – Quito – Ecuador

Tel.: 025 10 12 51 / 023 44 35 01 / +593 98 288 0782


Enrique Loaiza Martinez, Naturopata – Apiterapeuta
Cuenca: Simón Bolívar #12-43 Junto al Cenáculo
Cañar:  Calle Bolívar # 3-07 y Tarqui
Námaste Telf: 593 7 2-84-38-68
Terapias Alternativas
Movil: 099 842 6613 Claro: 098 054 9922
099 984 6862  093 987 0044


  • Randy M Lowry

    I have a hive in my roof. Is there someone who can transfer them to hives? I want to keep them and start harvesting honey,

    • Stefan Stangaciu

      Ask your nearest beekeeper to help you. You will need though to take very detailed beekeeping courses, to be able to collect safely your beehive products. To learn about the medicinal uses of honey et co., you can join also our Apitherapy Courses. Check the "Courses" section in our website.

  • Denise Toepel

    Hello,, We are looking for bees wax,,, for making ecological covers for our food. We need bees wax for saturating the cloth that we want to use instead of plastic to cover food or wrap food in. Can you direct us to a bee keeper near Cuenca? Sincerely, Denise Toepel

  • Arthur Tellier

    Hello, I am presently in Puerto López, Ecuador and I am looking someone that practices or sells products from the beehive such as Royal Jelly, venom, propolis…etc?

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