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0. Grup Api-fito la Mereni, iunie 2015

Dr Stangaciu’s curriculum vitae

PERSONAL INFORMATION  /  Main functions:

· President of the Romanian Apitherapy, Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy Society (2023 – ….)

· President of the Romanian Apitherapy Society (2007-2023)

· Honorary President of the German Apitherapy Society (since March 30, 2019)

· President of the German Apitherapy Society (March 1999-March 2019)

· General Secretary of the International Federation of Apitherapy (March 2012  – January 2025)

· Council Member in the Apitherapy Committee of the World Chinese Medicine Society (since Nov. 26, 2019)

· Apitherapy Discussions E-mail Lists Moderator ( Google Groups in English, Spanish/Portuguese, French, German, Romanian)

· Creator of various Apitherapy Networks in English, French, German, Spanish and Romanian in Whatsapp

· Owner and webmaster of this website:

· President of Apitherapy Consulting & Trading International Ltd. (since November 2004) ;





Nationality: Romanian

Date of birth: 31/ 01/ 1960

Actual and past Work Experience

• Dates: November 2004 to present

• Occupation or position held: President of “Apitherapy Consulting & Trading International” Ltd.

• Main activities and responsibilities:

*Offering international expertise and consulting in the areas of Apitherapy, Apipuncture, Api-Nutrition and Api-Phyto-Aromatherapy (medicinal use of bee products, medicinal bee plants and their derivatives).

• Dates: October 2015 to June 2016

• Occupation or position held: Apitherapy Manager at Honeybee Centre in Surrey, B.C., Canada

• Main activities and responsibilities: offering international expertise and consulting in the area of Apitherapy.

Apitherapy & Naturopathy Practice

*Responsible for the treatment of patients employing therapeutic methods involving Complementary Medicine (Apitherapy, Phytotherapy, Aromotherapy, Acupuncture, Acupressure etc.).

· Canada, British Columbia, Langley, Back & Body Clinic, Dr. Timothy Brown, ND (April-June, 1995).

Dates: from August 1991 to 2004

• President of “DAO” Ltd., Constanta, Romania.

• Main activities and responsibilities

*Medical practice in areas of preventive medicine and natural therapies with an emphasis on the use of bee products (i.e. honey, propolis, bee venom, royal jelly, bee pollen, bee bread, Apilarnil, etc.).

*Conducted clinical studies on Apitherapy, Acupuncture and Acupressure applied for the diseases of different patients.

*Participated at several international symposiums and has given lectures and courses on Apitherapy, Acupressure and Acupuncture.

Weekly media presentations (especially on private TV stations like “57+” in Constanta and Etno TV in Bucharest)

*Developed and implemented a computer program “ APITHER ” for offering specific information on bee products and their use for the human and animal health; in December 1995 signed a contract with a German partner for implementing the program in German speaking countries.

*Developed and implemented a computer program “ COMPAC ” for diagnosis and therapy in ACUPUNCTURE , ACUPRESSURE , IRIDOLOGY and related methods (1986-1992).

• Dates: 1988 – 1991

Chief Medical Doctor

• Main activities and responsibilities

Medical Doctor in the Department of National Defense, Romanian Navy (Tulcea and Constanta)

*Responsible for medical treatment, disease control & prevention of military personnel in the Navy.

*Conducted studies on Complementary Medicine (Acupuncture, Acupressure and Iridology usefulness for specific Navy conditions and diseases).

• Dates: 1985 – 1988

• Occupation or position held

Internship Medical Doctor at Central Military Hospital, Bucharest

• Main activities and responsibilities

*Responsible for medical treatment, disease control & prevention of military personnel.

*Conducted studies on Dermato-Gliphology, Biorhythmology, Electro-Acupuncture Analgesia in Open Heart Surgery and Medical Dowsing.


• Dates: September 1975 to December 2014

· 2010-2014: PhD Student at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davilla, Bucharest, Romania. Doctorate subject: “Api-phyto-aromotherapy of viral hepatitis C”.

Date: August 2002

Japan Association of Apitherapy

Diploma as Apipuncturist.

Date: August 2002

Taiwan Association of Apitherapy

Diploma as Apipuncturist.

Date: May 1995

Acupuncture Association of British Columbia, Canada

License as Acupuncturist.

Date: Summer 1994

Black Sea University – summer courses.

Training in theoretical Apitherapy.

• Date: Summer 1991

Romanian Apitherapy Center + Apimondia Foundation and IC-DA Libraries,

Bucharest, Romania.

Training in practical and theoretical Apitherapy.

• Dates: November 12 – December 7, 1990

The Medico-Pharmaceutical Post-Universitary Institute, Bucharest, Romania and the Homeopathy Society of Romania.

Pre-License as Homeopath.

• Dates: 1986-1990

The Medico-Pharmaceutical Post-Graduate Institute, Bucharest, Romania and the Acupuncture Society of Romania.

License as Acupuncturist.

• Dates 1979-1985

Student at the Faculty of General Medicine (military department), Bucharest, Romania, Carol Davilla University.

License as Medical Doctor (MD)

• Dates: 1975-1979 
High School (Mathematics and Physics profile), Magurele Physicians town, Bucharest, Romania.








President of the German Apitherapy Society (March 13, 1999 – March 30, 2019)

Honorary President of the German Apitherapy Society (since March 30, 2019)

President of the Romanian Apitherapy Society (since December 08, 2007)

Founding President of the Francophone Api-Phytotherapy Society (December 2011-December 2013)

Co-Founder of Francophone Apitherapy Society (March 07, 2008); Vice-President & Formator and Medical Coordinator (2008-2012);

Co-Founder of “Bees For Life”.

General Secretary of the International Federation of Apitherapy (since March 20, 2012).

Member of the American Apitherapy Society (1991-1999); Board Member and webmaster from 1999 to 2001.

Vice-President of World Propolis Science Forum

Advisor for Nippon Apitherapy Society

Trainer for the

Lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia

Apitherapy Discussions E-mail Lists Moderator (in English, German, Spanish-Portuguese, French and Romanian) in Google Groups 
Owner and webmaster of


Has presented scientific and practical papers on apitherapy and related methods to more than one hundred conferences, seminars or workshops, in the following  60 countries  (see below some of these conferences, in alphabetically order of countries):


*Tirana, 24-26 March 2023.
Short conference at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine for participants from Albania and Kosovo.
2 TV interviews at ABC and Euro News channel.

Visit to a large apiary located near Tirana.


San Francisco (May 10, 1998)

Cordoba (May 12, 1998; June 21-St. 2000)

Azul , June 16-th., 2000

Buenos Aires (May 15, 1998; June 23-rd. 2000; September 30-th., 2000; Sept. 21-25, 2011, two oral papers presented during the 42-Nd. Apimondia Congress + creation of the Latin Federation of Apitherapy, elected as General Secretary of the organization, on Sept. 25-th., 2011).

Posadas , Misiones, June 19-th. 2000

La Plata , June 24-th. 2000.

Rosario (Septembre 20-th., 2000).

Santa Fe (Septembre 21-St., 2000).

Corrientes (October 10-th., 2000).

Tucuman (October 12-th., 2000).

Santiago del Estero (October 13-th., 2000).

Salta (October 15-th., 2000).

Interviews for various TV channels in:

· Buenos Aires (Channel 52, main agricultural TV channel in Argentina) (May 1998, June 2000).

· San Francisco (May 1998)

· Azul (June 2000) (interview for local Radio, TV channels and for local journals)

· Posadas and Santa Fe (interviews for local TV + journals).


* Hahndorf, Adelaide, SA: Intensive Apitherapy Course organized by the Australian Apitherapy Association, July 1-2, 2023


* St. Johann im Pongau, 12-13 January 2024 (lecture and workshop for the Austrian Apitherapy Association)

Ried in der Riedmark (November 1998)

Graz (February 27-Th., 1999) + August 14, 2009 (conference and workshop for beekeepers specialised in teaching beekeeping to the general public = “Wanderlehrer Imkern”);

Grossraming (November 1999; Mai 2000)

Wien (14 Januar 2001) (Jafra Austria). February 07, 2009 (speaker at the First Symposium organized by the Austrian Apitherapy Society; ).

Belgium :

Antwerp (The XXXV-Th. Apimondia Congress, Oct. 1997);

Durbuy – Apitherapy Courses offered to the students of “Terre Interieure” (April and June 2009).


*capital city ( Bandar Sri Begawan ), June 21, 2003.

Brazil :

Franca , August 1999 (First Brazilian Propolis Congress).

Sao Paulo , “Jafra do Brasil”, press conference and counseling (April 23, 2002)

Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais) , Apitherapy Course co-organized by Pharma Nectar in (April 23, 2002)

Campinas (Parque Ecologico) – Intensive Apitherapy Course organized by Dr. Cristian Oprea, acupuncture specialist (September 17-18, 2011).

Bulgaria :

Tsarevo, August 1-3, 2008 (First World Symposium on Honeydew Honey) (“Potential and Perspectives on the Medicinal Uses of Honeydew Honey, a review”).

Sophia, September 28-29, 2018 (Second “Propolis in Human and Bee Health” Conference). Presented paper: “Use of propolis in Clinical Medicine. A short review”

Canada :

Vancouver , Langley , Surrey , Richmond (February-March, 1994; October 2015-April 2016): apitherapy lectures for beekeepers
Interview for BCTV (March 1994).

* Comox Valley (North Vancouver Island Island) – April 16-17, 2016

Langley, Surrey, Richmond, Toronto (AAS Conference) (April-June, 1995)

Vancouver , The First Pacific Northwest Apitherapy Conference, British Columbia, Canada, June 12-14, 1998.

Toronto (June 1998) + Nov. 19-21, 2005 (in conjunction with Ontario Beekeepers Association Annual Convention and Conference at Delta Hotel); May 2, 2016 (lecture for Toronto District Beekeepers Association)

Montreal (June 1998); September 2019 – Apimondia Congress, as Coordinator of the Local Organizing Committee

Vancouver , Apimondia Congress (various conferences + organizer of the Apitherapy Workshop) (September 12-18-th., 1999)

* Surrey, B.C. – Conference organized on October 12, 2013 by John Gibeau, the president ofHoneybee Centre.

* Nelson, B.C. , February 18-22, 2016 – lectures, workshops and direct support to the creation of the Canadian Apitherapy Association

* Kamloops, B.C., March 12-13, 2016 – apitherapy lecture and intensive course for beekeepers and general public

* Montreal, Quebec, May 5-9, 2016 – Apitherapy Conference, Expo and Workshops organized by the Canadian Apitherapy Association ; main coordinator of the Apitherapy Workshops organized during the Apimondia Congress, Sept 8-12, 2019

  • Webinar for the Canadian Apitherapy Association, December 2, 2016


Puerto Varas (2003) (Primer Congreso Nacional de Apicultura)

Santiago de Chile (2003)

Termas Las Colinas (2003).


* Shaoxing, Zhejiang province
 Oral presentation on „Apitherapy according to Wuxing”, Nov. 23, 2019, at the Second Conference of the Apitherapy Committee of the World Chinese Medicine Society

Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province (October 22-25, 2012) (Apimedica & Apiquality Forum 2012), as speaker (“Treatment of Liver Diseases with Apiphytotherapy according to the rules and principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine”).

Fuzhou , Fujian province ,

  • December 22, 2012 – Lecture for the beekeeping and apitherapy students of Fuzhou Agricultural University.
  • May 24-26, 2013 – Apitherapy Summit organized by Prof. Miao Xiaoqing


Bogotá, Gobernación de Cundinamarca (20 Nov. 2007) (Primer Seminario Colombiano de Apiterapia).

Cuba :

La Havana (February 1998 and February 1999)


Nikosia (Lefkosia) (lecture for beekeepers) (October 22, 2011).

Czech Republic (Kladno, June 22-26, Mikulov, December 1-9, 2018)

Ecuador :

Quito, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnía, Centro de Transferrencia y Desarrollo de Tecnologías (13-16 Nov. 2007) (Primer Simposio Internacional de Apiterapia)

Quito, Centro de Transferrencia y Desarrollo de Tecnologías (Primer Curso Intensivo Internacional de Apiterapia y Apipuntura) (November 17-18, 2007).

Quito, The Third Congress of the International Federation of Apitherapy (November 22-25, 2018)

* Frantsilan Hyvän Olon Keskus Kyröspohjantie 320,
39100 Hämeenkyrö (May 6-12, 2019)

France :

Lyon (Mai 1992; June 16-th. 2001; May 17, 2008 ; 2009-2010, premier Formation en Apitherapie pour A.F.A. ; 8-9 octobre 2011, 26-27 novembre 2011, mars 3-4, 2012 : Formation Initiation AFA, Module A, B et D) ( ).

Fahreins (June 1992)

Montealba (June 1992)

Bourg St. Christophe (20 juin 2001)

Lozanne (23 juin 2001)

Montpellier, 41-St. Apimondia Congress (presentation on the “Prevention and Treatment of Allergies to Bee Products with… Bee Products »), September 2009

Ecully-Valpré (near Lyon), Apitherapy Formation Courses (Module A, B and D) offered to Francophone Apitherapy Association members (October and December 2009 + 28-29 February 2010) ( ).

Lille , Jan. 21-22, 2012, Colloque d’Apitherapie ( ).

Toulouse , 06 septembre 2012 + 5 sept. 2013, Journée toulousaine d’apithérapie

Auterive , 08 septembre 2012, Journée auterivaine d’apithérapie. Formation Initiation en Api-phytotherapie (05-11 mai 2013). 27-28 oct. 2016 (Formation Initiation en Api-phytotherapie organise par l’Association Francophone d’Api-Phytotherapie)

Aix-en-Provence , 13 April 2013, conference on Api-Phytotherapy for Quantique Planete (Nutrition au coeur des thérapies inovantes). Nov. 12, 2017, conference for Confederation Francaise de Medecine Traditionelle Chinoise

Plan d’Hotonnes – Formation Initiation en Api-phytotherapie (08-14 September 2013)

Montpellier – Cours intensive en Apitherapie, Decembre 2014 et Janvier 2015

Germany :

Hamburg (December 1993 – February 1994)

Munich (December 1993)

Lüdenscheid (1994)

Passau, regular Conferences and Courses (April 1996; August 1997; March 1998; March 1999; 2002, 2003, 2004 (Autumn Apitherapiekurs, 26-28 Nov.), 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009; 2010-2019

Passau, President of the first 17 German Bee Products and Apitherapy Congress, Expos and Workshops organized together with the Board and regular members of the German Apitherapy Society at the following dates:

· March 23-27, 2002 , the First Congress, Expo and Course; participants from 31 countries);

· March 28-30, 2003 Second German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops; participants from 31 countries);

· April 01-06, 2005 Third German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops);

· March 24-29, 2006 Fourth German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops);

· March 23-27, 2007 Fifth German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops);

· March 27-April 01, 2008 Sixth German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops).

· March 26-31, 2009 Seventh German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops).

· March 25-30, 2010 (Eighth German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops).

· March 24-29, 2011 (IX-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops)

· April 20-24, 2012(X-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops)

· March 21-26, 2013, XI-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops , IBB Hotel, Passau.

· March 28-April 01, 2014,XII-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops , IBB Hotel, Passau.

* March 27-31, 2015, the XIII-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops , IBB Hotel, Passau.

* March 17-22, 2016, the XIV-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops , IBB City Centre Hotel, Passau

* March 24-28, 2017, the XV-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops , IBB City Centre Hotel, Passau

March 23-27, 2018, theXVI-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops , IBB City Centre Hotel, Passau

March 28 – April 2, 2019, theXVII-th. German Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops , IBB City Centre Hotel, Passau

Passau , 26-31 March 2004 (President of the First German Propolis Congress, Expo and Course with international participation);

Buchen-Hettingen (October 1997; April 1998; November 1998; March 1999; April 2000, April 2001; 16 Nov. 2002)

Gelnhausen (conference + Radio interview) (March 1998)

Bofsheim (March 1998)

Neudenau Herbolzheim (13 April 2001; 14 Nov. 2002) (Yoga Group)

Bad Birnbach (Rottaler Bienenhof) (October 1997; March 1998; November 1998)

Bad Griesbach (March 1998)

Bad Wiessee (April 1998)

Kamenz (Dresden) (8 April 2001)

Landsberg am Lech (November 1998, 29 Sept.-Oct.1, 2006, 27-29 July, 2007)

Kulmbach (09-10 March 2002)

Stuttgart January 2001, for JAFRA Germany; 2005, 14-16 Januar + 10-12 June (Dana Zentrum) and 2006, February 16-19 (HP Bea Scharpf as local organizer.

Paderborn (23 Nov. 2002)

Münerstadt (10.April 2005) (Unterfrankischen Imkertag)

Nürenberg , 19 Januar 2002 (Franz Mager als Organisator)

Fulda , 4-6 Nov., 2005 (Praktische Apitherapiekurs fur DAB Mitgliedern)

Bienen-Ruck , 27-28 mai, 2006

Vechta Imkerverein , 01 March, 2008

Königswinter bei Bonn , 04-06 Januar, 2008

Heilbronn , May 2009

Erdmannhausen , May 2009

Karlsruhe , President of the First German Apitherapy Symposium (Deutschsprachigen Apitherapiesymposium), November 5-6, 2011.


  • November 17-18, 2012. President of the Second German Apitherapy Symposium (Deutschsprachigen Apitherapiesymposium), Botanischen Garten
  • November 09-12, 2013. President of the Third German Apitherapy Symposium (Deutschsprachigen Apitherapiesymposium) + Workshop with Prof. Miao Xiaoqing from Fuzhou University, China.
  • Nov. 15-16, 2014. President of the Fourth German Apitherapy Symposium (Deutschsprachigen Apitherapiesymposium)
  • Nov. 12-13, 2016, President of the VI-th. German Apitherapy Symposium (Deutschsprachigen Apitherapiesymposium)
  • November 4-5, 2017. Api-Seminar for Berliner Imkerverein at Mensa der Waldorfschule Märkisches Viertel
  • November 18-19, 2017. President of The VII-th. Symposium of the German Apitherapy Society
  • November 10-12, 2018. President of The VIII-th. Symposium of the German Apitherapy Society

Bad Emstal. Intensiv Api-Onkologiekurs. Februar 2015
Interviews for RTL (German Television Channel) (January 9, June 1998; July 23, 1999; July 19-th., 2002).

Donaueschingen, October 27-28, 2018: “Einführung in die Apitherapie – Heilwerte aus dem Bienenvolk”. Lecture and Workshop offered to the Profesional German Beekeepers Association

* Oderding, Bavaria: Intensive Course for Apitherapy Consultants of the German Apitherapy Society (June 20-23, 2019)(2021)(2022)(2023)(2024)

  • Bad Koenigshoffen – speaker at the annual Congress of the German Apitherapy Society (March 22-24, 2024)


Athens, February 28-th., 2004 (First Panhellenic Symposium on Apitherapy)

*Seminar offered to Medicum College , Athens (for MD’s and pharmacists): June 5-6 + October 2-3, 2004

Athens, Apimedica, 19-21 October, 2006


* Gerson Institute, Dobogókő, December 4-6, 2011.

* Second Hungarian Apitherapy Conference, Budapest, February 11-12, 2012.


   * Apitherapy Conference and Workshop at Garden City University, Bengaluru, 25-29 November, 2024


Jakarta : June 22, 2003; October 23, 2003

Bandung (June 23, 2003)

Medan (June 24, 2003)

Surabaya (October 24, 2003)

Yogyakarta (Nov. 03, 2003)

Semarang (Nov. 04, 2003).

* Makassar : consultant for Leading Profile Malaysia (Oct. 30, 2003) + speaker at 19-24 Nov 2013 The 3rd International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey Bee Products. Honey, from Traditional to Modern Medicine.


  • Tehran, Sept. 27-October 4, 2022


Dublin , August 21-26, 2005 (Apimondia Congress) ( ).

Italy :

Gardasee , May 8-th. 2002 (two conferences for Dr. Klinghardt’s course participants)

Rome (“Apimedica 2008”) (presentation on medicinal bee plants and on clinical use of bee products; coordinator of honey and bee venom massage workshop; moderator and co-moderator of various scientific sessions.

* Oberbozen, South Tirol, 6-7 May, 2017 (2. Apitherapietagung)

Japan :

*“ Yamada Bee”, Tsuyama (November 20-th., 2001)

Tamagawa University , Machida, Tokyo (Conference on propolis and Apitherapy) (November 23-rd., 2001)

*“ Api-Gifu”, Gifu (November 24-th., 2001)

Atami City (September 23-25, 2002, as Co-Organizer of the First Japanese Conference and Workshop on Bee Venom Therapy with International Participation);

Second Japanese Apitherapy and Apipuncture Symposium and Workshop , Narita View Hotel, Tokyo, September 26-28, 2004.

First Nippon Apitherapy and Apipuncture Symposium , Narita View Hotel, Tokyo, June 16-19, 2006.

Second Nippon Apitherapy and Apipuncture Symposium , Narita View Hotel, Tokyo, September 18-20, 2007.

Korea :

Daegu , two conferences given at the VI-th. International Apitherapy Congress organized by the International Apitherapy, Bee Acupuncture and Healthcare Association (November 12-13-th., 2001).

Seoul, keynote speaker during the VII-Th. International Conference on Biotherapy (June 21-24, 2007)

Daejeon: keynote speaker during the 1st World Propolis Science Forum (October 25-26, 2007) + Moderator of two apitherapy sections and speaker at second plenary session, during the Apimondia Congress (September 15-20, 2015)

Kyongju City , keynote speaker during the 4-th. Symposium of the Korean Apitherapy Healthcare Association (Nov. 27-28, 2007).


* Vaduz, Lehrbienenstand, 12-13 May, 2023. Organiser: Siegbert Kranz


Luxemburg (November 1999).


Genting Highland Hotel , Leading Profile Annual Convention; April 28-29, 2003

Kuala Lumpur (April, June, October 2003)

Ipoh (June 16, 2003)

Kuching, Sarawak (June 19, 2003)

Miri, Sarawak (June 20, 2003)

Kota Kinabalu , Sabah (June 18, 2003)

Kuantan (Oct. 21, 2003)

Johor Bahru (Oct. 22, 2003 + 1-3 August 2010, Medicinal Beekeeping Course ).

* Kota Bahru

· 2nd International Conference on the Medicinal Use of Honey, January 13-15, 2010;

Kubang Kerian , Kelantan, Universiti Sains Malaysia , Apitherapy Courses for the Pharmacology Department, July 15, August 14, 2010 and October 3-10, 2012.

Kuala Terengganu , September 28-October 2, 2012, lecturer at the XI-th. Asian Apiculture Association Conference

Malta – 3-8 December, 2022. Lectures for beekeepers, cosmeticians and general public. TV and Radio interviews.

Mexico :

Tampico (28-30 September 2000) (Conf. + Curso intensivo de Apiterapia)

Ciudad de Mexico, D.F. (1-2 September 2000).

Puebla (13-15 mayo + 12-18 sept. 2005)

Tepic, Nayarit (Conf. + Intensive Course) (25-28 mayo 2005)

Saltillo, Coahuila , Curso Intensivo de Apiterapia y Apipuntura (2-4 dic. 2005)

Tlaxcala, July 15-23, 2006.


* Rabat (Zaraphyt Formation Centre, Dr. Yassine Lahlou)

· January 7-8, 2012 (first of the three Modules of initiation in Apitherapy).

· February 4-5, 2012 (second of the three Modules of initiation in Apitherapy)

· May 5-6, 2012 (third of the three Modules of initiation in Apitherapy)

May 17-19, 2013 (Formation dans le Diagnostique traditionelle chinois et dans l’Api-Cosmetique)

* Fez, co-organizer of the First International Conference on Api-Phytotherapy, May 18-20, 2012.

Nepal, speaker during the 2-Nd. International Honey Bee Scientist Conference on Honey Bees for Pollination and Bee Products for Human Health, 9-11 December 2017, Gokarna Forest Resort, Kathmandu. See a video on this conference in

Netherlands :

Utrecht (13 January 2001) (Jafra Cosmetics Netherlands).


Abuja (Presidential National Hospital of Abuja, March 5-7, 2007); organizer: ApiWorld International, Mr. Saka Samson, Mr. Johny Odebunmi, Mr. Dr. Olatunji Odebunmi.

Oman (Muscat) – Africa Bee Expo Conference, Expo and Workshops, Sept. 19-20, 2024.


Lima (Universidad Agraria “La Molina”, July 5-6, 2003)

Tacna (July 12-13, 2003).


Manila (Oct. 27, 2003)

Cagayan de Oro (Oct. 28, 2003)

Cebu (Oct. 29, 2003).


* 5-7 May, 2023. Organiser: Agnieszka Węglińska


Lisbon, Oct. 5, 2003 (Conferences on Apitherapy)

*Primer Curso de Apiterapia na Portugal (May 8-9, June 19-20 + July 17-18, 2004 Lisbon).

Romania :

* Brasov, October 17-23, 2014. President of the 7-th. Romanian Apitherapy Congress and co-president of the First Congress of the International Federation of Apitherapy

*Arad, First Romanian Symposium on Api-Phytotherapy with international participation, 11-13 mai, 2012, Hotel Continental, Arad, Romania ( )

* Brasov, Facultatea de Silvicultura si Exploatari Forestiere a Universitatii “Transilvania” – Symposium of Silvotherapy, Nutrition and Apitherapy, March 4-6, 2011


  • President of the First and Second Romanian Apitherapy, Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy Congress with international participation , Pullman Hotel, Bucharest, and Hotel Ramada, Constanta;
  • 12 June 2009, president of the First National Symposium on Apitherapy and Apipuncture ( );
  • 28-31 October 2010, president of the Third Romanian Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops with international participation , RIN Grand Hotel;
  • October 14-17, 2011, president of the Fourth Romanian Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops with international participation , RIN Grand Hotel ( ).
  • November 1-4, 2013, president of the Sixth Romanian Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops with international participation , RIN Grand Hotel ( ).
  • Apimondia Foundation Bee Products Fair, March 12-13, 2011.
  • November 2013-March 2014 – Lecturer at the Initiation Course on Api-Phytotherapy organized through the Romanian Apitherapy Society
  • September 30-October 4, president of the IX-th. Romanian Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops with international participation , RIN Grand Hotel ( )
  • October 11-14, 2019 – president of the XII-th. Romanian Apitherapy Congress, organized at IC-DA Bucharest and FIITEA Apimondia


· USAMV, May 3-5, The First Conference on Beekeeping, Agribusiness and Apitherapy, “Apiter2007”;

· Summer Apitherapy Course, June 7-8, 2007 (USAMV Cluj-Napoca);

· president of the First Romanian Congress and Api-Expo on Apitherapy and Apipuncture, December 07-09, 2007;

· 4-6 February 2011: Conference and Workshop on Nutrition , Apitherapy and Apipuncture ( );

· 26-27 February 2011, Beekeeping Festival organized at “Casa de Cultura a Studentilor”.

· The V-th. Romanian Apitherapy Congress with international participation (Hotel Golden Tulip Ana Dome), (21-24 September, 2012).

* Cluj-Napoca, Conference for medical doctors at Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy (July 19, 2019)

* Conference for medical doctors at UMF Cluj-Napoca, July 19, 2019


* President of the Second Romanian Apitherapy, Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy Congress with international participation , Hotel Ramada, Constanta;

* various Apitherapy conferences & courses co-organized with Dr Catalina Rudencu (Eduvit) and the Romanian Apitherapy Society:

March 26-27, 2016 (Apitherapy against wounds, including burns, with Dr Andrei Zbuchea)

May 20-21, 2017

Iasi ( November 21-24, 2008) – The Second Romanian Congres, Expo and Workshops on Apitherapy and Apipuncture with International Participation, Unirea Hotel ) + The Second National Symposium on Apitherapy, February 21-23, 2014, at Palas Mall ( ) + The VIII-th. Romanian Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops (October 30-Nov. 2, 2015).

Masloc-Arad (August 2009) – conference on Apitherapy offered to the Romanian Anthroposofic Medicine group;

Mereni-Contesti (Dambovita county)

· 2009, June and July – Summer Apitherapy School ( )

· 2010, June – Summer Apitherapy School ( ) + December 12-13,Intensive Apipuncture Course & Workshop ;

· 2011, July 16-17. Summer Apitherapy School ( ).

· 2012, January 14-15. Winter Apitherapy School ( ).

· 2012, March 31-April 1. Spring Apitherapy School ( ).

· 2017, various Intensive Apitherapy Courses & Workshops offered to groups coming from various countries:

* January 23-27, Intensive Course for English speakers

* February 11-12, Course on Beehive Air Therapy, for Romanian participants

* March 6-10, Intensive Course for English speakers

* April 1-2, Course on Bee Venom Therapy for Romanian participants

* April 4-8, Intensive Course for Spanish participants

* September 11-15, Intensive Course for French speakers

* September 18-22, Intensive Course for English speakers

Otopeni (19-21 Sept. 2004 at Sky Gate Hotel).


  • August 4-5, 2012 – Summer Apitherapy Workshop for the members of the Romanian Apitherapy Society’s members.
  • 31 May + June 1-2 – Conference for open public + Summer Apitherapy Workshop for the members of the Romanian Apitherapy Society’s members.

* Sibiu, October 6-10, 2017. President of the X-th. Romanian Apitherapy Congress with international participation

* Sibiu, October 10-16, 2018, President of the Local Organizing Committee of Apimedica 2018, event co-organized together with Apimondia.

Other lectures and courses offered in Bucharest, Mangalia, Neptun, Constanta, Eforie Nord, Arad, Pitesti, Tekirghiol, Bazna.

over 80 TV presentations (as a moderator or as invited guest) on various Romanian TV channels like:

· “TV 57+”, “MTC”, “Neptun” in Constanta;

· Prima TV, Antena 1, TVR 1, TVR 2, RM, Euforia TV, Senso TV and ETNO TV in Bucharest), TVR International, Pro TV, Kanal D, Prima TV…

· Over 30 interviews to Radio Channels like Radio Constanta, Radio Romania Actualitati – “Sfertul academic” with Paul Grigoriu, “Iarba verde de acasa” with Verman Gh.), Smart FM, etc.

Russia :

Perm, visit to ” Tentorium” (invited by Dr. Nailya Khismatullina ) + Conferences and Workshops (12-15 May, 2011).

Moscow, September 8-13, 2018 – XXII Apislavia Congress

Saudi Arabia :

Riyadh and Al-Baha. Conferences and Workshops offered to King Saud University, Beekeeping Chair (22-30 May and July 18-22, 2011) (July 5-6, 2012).

* Jeddah, April 22-24, 2016 – chairman for one of the apitherapy sections + lectures and workshop offered during the XIII-th. Conference of the Asian Apicultural Association

* Al-Baha, July 15-19, 2022 (Speaker at scientific conference and trainer of the Apitherapy Workshop)


*June 26-27 + October 25, 2003 (Conferences for “Leading Profile Malaysia”).

Slovenia :

Portoroz , September 17-19, 1998 (The VIII-Th. International Apitherapy Symposium, as member in the Scientific Committee)

Ljubljana, Apimondia Congress, August 2003

Ljubljana, Maribor – Apimedica 2010 (29 Sept- 02 October, 2010).

Slovakia :

Nitra , Intensive Apitherapy Course in three Modules offered to the beekeepers of the Slovakian Beekeeping Association (president Ludovic Gal, coordinator Dr. Robert Chlebo) (February and March 2009).


Silleda (Pontevedra), Galicia, 10- 11 -12 dic. 2004

Madrid , El Escorial, I Congreso Apiterapia, 6-8 mayo, 2005

Madrid , El Escorial, II Congreso Apiterapia, 19-21 mayo, 2006

Santa Cruz de Tenerife , Curso Intensivo de Apiterapia, 5-8 agosto, 2011

Gran Canaria , Curso Intensivo de Apiterapia, 11-13 noviembre, 2011.

* Cartagena, Apitherapy Congress organized by MARNYS, April 26-28, 2017


     * Gothenborg, 09. February 2019. Two introductory lectures on Apitherapy for “Apiscandia 2019”

Switzerland :

Interlaken, 12 January 2001 (Jafra Cosmetics Switzerland)

Notwill, April 24, 2007 (Jafra Cosmetics Switzerland)

St. Maurice, 30 Jan.-1 February + 29-31 Oct. 2004; 2-4 Nov. 2007; October 2009

Yverdon, Epende, 28 Avril 2005

Bulle, 22 Sept. 2005

Sion, 27 Sept. 2005

Le ChableValais, 30 Sept. 2005

Sembrancher, 13 August, 2004

Naters im Wallis (for „Apinatura“): 14 August 2004 (lecture) + 1-2 oct. 2005 (Praktische Apitherapiekurs), Sept. 11-12, 2006, Nov. 5-6, 2007

Martigny, La Fête d’Abeille, 1-3 Sept., 2006.

* Belp, September 16-18, 2022 (launching of the book Die bestechende Heilkraft der Bienen

* Zuberwangen (Imkerei Cecile Brunner), 1-2 May, 2023

Taiwan :

Chang-Hua City , August 3-7, 2002.


Haadyai (Haatyai) (Oct. 18, 2003)

Jala (Oct. 19, 2003).


  • Nabeul, International Beekeeping Conference organized by WAFT International (Africa BeeExpo), November 29-30, 2019. Presentation on Beehive Air Therapy


* Istanbul, Conference on Propolis for Pharmacists organized by Balparmak, September 21, 2019

Istanbul, First “Apibalcanica” Congress, Hotel Radisson (March 29-April 1, 2007)

Aydın, Cine Beekeeping Museum , Intensive Apitherapy Course, December 8-10, 2011.

Kayseri , February 22-26, 2012. First Turkish Congress, Expo and Workshops on Honey and Honeybee products with international participation
Antalya , Aprilie 2014, Asian Apiculture Association’s Conference

Erzurum , 1-5 September 2014, Apimedica Conference

* Marmaris – Oct. 13-15, 2017, Marmaris Apitherapy Conference

* Istanbul, August 24-28, 2022 (participation as president of the Romanian Apitherapy Society to the Apimondia Congress)


Kiev – Apimondia Congress (Sept. 29-October 5, 2013). Participation as president of the Romanian Apitherapy Society.

Uruguay :

Montevideo (two conferences, one for medical doctors and one for beekeepers) (May 16, 1998)

· Interviews for two local TV channels + several local newspapers.


*Chicago (IL), October 4-6, 2024 (Conference and Course organized by the American Apitherapy Society)

*ChampionPennsylvania American Apitherapy Society’s Conference (July 13-15, 1998)

Walpole, New Hampshire (Apitherapy Seminar with Charles Andros) (July 26, 1998)

Westlake Village, California (counseling for Jafra Cosmetics International at their Headquarters) (April 16-18, 2001).

*Board member and webmaster of AAS (August 1998 – May 2001).


San Cristobal, Edo. Tachira, 27-31 Julio 2005.


Organizer or Co-organizer of International Apitherapy related events like :

*President of the German Bee Products and Apitherapy Congresses, Expo and Workshops + First German Propolis Congress (2004) (Passau) + the first eight German Apitherapy Symposiums (2002-2019);

*President of the Romanian Apitherapy, Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy Congress with international participation (2023-2024)

*President of the Romanian Apitherapy Congresses, Expos and Workshops with international participation (2007-2022).

*President of the First Romanian Apitherapy Symposium (UMF Bucharest, 12 June 2009).

*President of the Second Romanian Apitherapy Symposium (Palas Mall, Iasi, 21-23 February, 2014).

* President of the Local Organizing Committee of “Apimedica 2018“, a Symposium organized together with Apimondia.

*Co-Organizer of the International Courses on Apitherapy and Apipuncture, Atami City, Japan (September 2002 ), Taiwan ( August 2002 ), etc.

* Co-Organizer of the international Workshop on Apitherapy Vancouver, Canada (September 1999), Apimedica 2006 in Athens, Greece ( ).


Internet Activitiessince February 1999-today.

Co-ordinator of the Apitherapy Internet Course having over 500 students from the following 86 countries :

Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin (Republic of Benin), Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cameroun, Canada, Chile, China, China (Hong Kong), Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Morocco, Mexico, Nepal, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Nigeria, New Zealand, Nouvelle Caledonia, Oman, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Syria, Slovakia, Spain, South Africa, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, West Indies.

Webmaster of (since 2001) and of 

Creator and Webmaster of the American Apitherapy Society’s website ( ) (January 1999-May 2001)

Webmaster and Owner of (since August 1999).

Webmaster of the German Apitherapy Society ) (Sept. 2003-August 2009; 2012-2013; 2017- March 2019)

* Webmaster of the International Apitherapy Federation ( )

*Creator of the Apitherapy Reference Electronic Library, “ Apither ” (since February 1998)

*Co-founder of the Apitherapy Internet Discussion Groups (“Apitherapy-Lists”) (since 1997), initially in English, then also in Spanish/Portuguese, French, German and Romanian.

Trainer on Apitherapy for the Romanian Health Department (Post-Graduate Univ. Studies Center for Health Practitioners) (since February 2007).

Driver license since 1982.


Has received on September 6, 1997, at the Centenary Congress of

Apimondia in Antwerp, Belgium, the Honor Award for two works:

*A book on propolis ( “A Guide to the Composition and Properties of Propolis” );

*a software ( “Apither 97” ) made together with a German partner (Thomas Schachtner from Passau).


Apitherapy Articles published in:

Espacio apicola (Argentina)

Apicultura los Lirios (Argentina)

Alive (Canada)

Bee sCene (Canada)

Hivelights (Canada)

Deutsche Apitherapiezeitung (Germany)

Deutsche Bienenzeitung (Germany)

Jafra Journal (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)

Imkerfreund (Germany)

Hungarian Beekeeping Journal (Hungary)

Honeybee Science, Japan

Cuget liber, Observator, Telegraf, Romania apicola, Apiacta, Formula As, Asul Verde, Magazin, Farmacia Ta, Libertatea, Revista Felicia (Romania)

Schweizerische Bienen-zeitung (Switzerland)

Bee Informed >> The Journal of the American Apitherapy Society (USA)

Meliffera (Turkey).

Studiul preliminar al citotoxicităţii şi activităţii antivirale a unor compuşi bioactivi naturali (Romanian)

Ioana M. Aldea (1), Daniela Ionescu (2), Coralia Bleotu (1), Mihaela Chivu Economescu (1),

Lilia Matei (1), Iuliana Crişan (2), Ştefan Stangaciu (3), Daniela A. Ion (4,5), Carmen C.

Diaconu (1)

(1) Institutul de Virusologie Ştefan S Nicolau, Academia Română, Bucureşti, România

(2) S.C. Hofigal Export Import S.A., Bucureşti, România

(3) Apitherapy Consulting & Trading Internaţional Ltd., România

(4) UMF “Carol Davila”, Bucureşti, România

(5) Institutul Naţional de Boli Infecţioase Prof. Dr. Matei Balş, Academia Europeană

HIV/SIDA, Bucureşti, România

   Paper presented during the X-th. Symposium “Academician Nicolae Cajal”, Bucharest, 01-04 April 2015

* Romanian Apitherapy Congresses:

• Apifitoterapia in afecțiunile hepatice – Dr. Stefan STANGACIU (Mereni-Conțești, DB), Ing. Ch. Drd. Cornelia DOSTETAN, Prof. Viorica ISTUDOR (UMF București) (2012)

• Protocol de Tratament prin Cocktail Apicol si Api-Fitoterapie in Hepatitele Virale B si C – Dr. Stefan Stângaciu (Mereni-Contesti, DB), Drd. Ing. Ch. Abalaru Cornelia (2013)

• Efectele administrării tincturii de propolis in tratamentul arteriopatiilor obliterante ale membrelor inferioare – Dr Cristian BODESCU, Dr Ramona JURCAU, Dr Stefan STANGACIU (2013)

• Caracterizarea principalelor fracții proteice din veninul de albine romanesc cu ajutorul cromatografiei lichide de înaltă performanță și a spectometriei de masă – Cornelia DOȘTEȚAN ABĂLARU, Ștefan STÂNGACIU, Irina Elisabeta GEANA, Oana Romina DINCA, Roxana IONETE, Radu Tamaian. (2013)

• Sherein I. Abd El-Moez (Egipt), Dr Stefan Stangaciu (Mereni-Contesti, jud. Dambovita) – Miere versus Antibiotice: Avantaje si Dezavantaje (lucrare publicata in DVD-ul Congresului) (2014)

• Cele mai bune tehnici utilizabile în Apipunctura – Dr. Stefan Stangaciu (2014)


En bonne sante avec les abeilles, Tredaniel, France (co-author Claudette Raynal-Cartabas)

Die bestechende Heilkraft der Bienen” – Apitherapy Publishing House, Romania (co-author Claudette Raynal-Cartabas)

Slovenian translation of the above book:

La maladie de Lyme. Prevention, immunité et traitement integratif avec les produits de la ruche. Editions Tredaniel. (co-author Claudette Raynal-Cartabas).

Sanft heilen mit Honig, Propolis und Bienenwachs” (“Soft healing with honey, propolis and beeswax”), TRIAS Publishing House, first edition, June 2015. 

Sanft heilen mit Bienen-produkten(„Gentle Healing with Bee Products“), Haug Verlag, Germany, second edition, 2004. ISBN: 3830421907. Co-author: Elfi Hartenstein (Germany).

“Sanft heilen mit Bienen-produkten” in Polish language

ALP Forum 2006, Nr. 41d – Stefan Bogdanov, Peter Gallman (ALP), Stefan Stangaciu, Theodore Cherbuliez

ISSN: 1661-0814 (online)


Inventor of Iridotherapy, a new method, and apparatus for disease treatment and research through light stimulation of the iris (Patent No. 89901, 31.3.1986 at the Romanian Office of Inventions and Marks).

Videos in Facebook:

Conference on Innovations in Apitherapy, Apimondia Congress (September 11, 2019)

Videos on Youtube:

Vimeo: Apitherapy lecture for BCHPA in Kamloops, Canada – March 12, 2016 

Interview for the New York based Radio “A Better World” with Mitchell Rabin, on June 8, 2016:

Interview for el RINCON DEL NATUROPATA (in Spanish):

Search the Internet with keywords “Dr Stefan Stangaciu” for more videos and documents I made in order to promote the Apitherapy, worldwide.

Interviews in Romanian language:

Sfaturi pentru un somn liniștitInterviu realizat de dna Cecilia Caragea

Legatura dintre hidratare și o buna imunitateInterviu realizat de dna Cecilia Caragea

Importanta purificarii aerului incaperilor in care stam. Beneficiile inhalatiilor. Interviu realizat de dna Cecilia Caragea

Ce este sistemul imunitar și cum ni-l putem întări. Interviu realizat de dna Cecilia Caragea

Apiterapia în bolile virale respiratorii.Interviu realizat de Dr Anca Nițulescu (Romania)

Alimentatia sanatoasa, abordarea virusului deja celebru si atacurile de panica

Apiterapia contra Covid-19, interview for TVR International

Cum ne pot ajuta apicolele imunitatea (12 April 2020)

In Arena – Congresul XII National de Apiterapie cu participare internationala, 11-14 October 2019 – Interviu cu dna Cecilia Caragea

Principiile si regulile generale de mentinere a sanatatii – Dialoguri pentru sanatate la Medika TV cu Cecilia Caragea

Apiterapia si Medicina Sportiva (interviu cu dna Cecilia Caragea de la Medika TV)

Apiterapia si longevitateaInterviu cu dna Cecilia Caragea 

Api-Cosmetica – Interviu cu dna Cecilia Caragea

Apiterapia in Medicina Veterinara – Interviu cu dna Cecilia Caragea

Aspecte interesante privind produsele apicole si sanatateaInterviu cu dna Cecilia Caragea

Principii ale apiculturii medicinale / Principles of Medicinal Beekeeping (in Romanian)

Mierea – ajutorul Naturii pentru sănătatea noastră. Interviu cu Paul Gabor-Iliescu (TV Canal 33)

Despre Mierea de Mană si alte produse apicoleInterviu cu Cecilia Caragea

Intalniri capitale cu Dr Stangaciu

Video with nice photos from some of the events (co)-organized by Dr. Stefan Stangaciu:

Video made and then donated by WAFT International, Tunisia

Health: Excellent, Non-Smoker.

Hobbies: Beekeeping, Gardening, Travelling, helping to the creation of Apitherapy Centers and Associations worldwide.


Sharing everything I know best with friendly people from all over the world!



  • Jaime González

    Donde puedo comprar apitoxina

  • Victor Herrera

    Dear Dr. Stangaciu, I would like to know if you have cured anyone with Lyme disease using live bees. My wife is sick and have found great relief using live bees but we need further guidance. Please be so kind to email me, thanks.

    • Stefan Stangaciu

      I personally do not have enough clinical experience with this disease, but I know from other colleagues that the medicinal use of beehive products can help against Lyme too.

  • Dr.A.P.Kannangara

    Dr.Stefan Stangaciu is a well known renowned figure in the field of Apitheraphy at present. I am eagerly awaiting to start a Apitheraphy Diploma Course with him.

  • Batreru Harriet

    Thank you for the rich experience. I am a female ugandan Entomologist aged 49, interested in this course. Is it possible for you to organize this in Uganda, since travelling upto Romania is very costly without sponsorship.

    • Stefan Stangaciu

      Yes, we will be happy to come to Uganda too, for the practical workshops. First, you need to have a strong theoretical basis on Apitherapy, so yes, I strongly suggest you to take first the online Course. After you will graduate OK from our long distance course, yes, we can speak on all the options we have for a workshop in Uganda too.

  • Situs Bola Resmi

    Thank you for the information you have shared, which is extremely useful for all of us

  • Gabriela Campeanu

    Buna ziua. Sotul meu este diagnosticat cu scleroza multipla primar progresiva. Doresc sa ne indicati un tratament .in acest moment merge cu baston si din ce in ce mai greu. Va multumesc

    • Stefan Stangaciu

      Trebuie sa ne vedem, pt. a pune la punct impreuna protocolul de tratament. Trimiteti-mi mai intai, pe e-mail, la , toate externarile si documentele legate de SM si de alte boli de care a mai suferit.

  • Narcisa

    Buna ziua, As dori sfatul dumneavoastra pentru problema mea: Ficatul gras si Colesterol / Trigliceride cu valori prea mari. Locuiesc in Canada, Toronto area . Va multumesc Narcisa

    • Stefan Stangaciu

      Alimentatie 90% vegetariana, 2-3 lamai pe zi, in multa apa + miere. Propolis, pollen si laptisor de matca de la Bee Shop din Toronto: Transmiteti salutari si din partea mea.

  • Maria

    Buna ziua, Va rog din suflet sa- spuneti daca acneea cistica la adolescenti are vreo sansa de a fi tratata cu produse apicole. M-ar interest si cauza mai ales ca pare ca nimic nu da rezultate (nu sunt adepta medicamentelor alopate). Va multumesc

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