Dear Bee and Apitherapy Friend,
In order to pre-register to our Intensive Apitherapy Course and Workshops ( I.A.C.W. ) you need to send us first (by e-mail) the following data about yourself:
- Your family and first name, age, gender and profession/occupation
- Your full address (with street number, postal code, etc.)
- Your mobile phone number
- Your e-mail, website, Facebook, LinkedIn… (if available)
- How did you find out about our Courses? Who exactly told you to contact us?
- Do you keep bees or have good contacts with your local beekeepers?
- Are you a health practitioner?
- Please list the first three reasons to join our Courses
- What languages do you know best?
- Do you know any local beekeeper and/or health professional who might be interested to cooperate with you in the future in the field of apitherapy practice, preparations and/or marketing?
- Your Curriculum vitae. One page on your educational and professional backgrounds is enough.
- A clear and recent photo of yours in “Jpeg” format.
- After you will graduate from our Courses/Workshops would you like to:
a) become an Apitherapist?
b) start various Apitherapy related businesses, open an Apitherapy Shop?
c) help to the creation of an Apitherapy Center/Clinic?
d) other: please give us the main details on your future Apitherapy projects - If you will be accepted to our Courses, how would you like to pay your Course fees:
a) via wire transfer (inter-banking transfer)?
b) via Paypal?
c) in cash, upon arrival?
Friendly yours,
Dr. Stefan Stangaciu
Apitherapy Internet Course and Workshops Lecturer and Coordinator
E-mails: +