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MEDICAL, SURGICAL, and other SPECIALTIES related to Apitherapy

ALLERGOLOGY = Science which studies the diseases and/or reactions produced by certain substances known as allergens.

ANDROLOGY = Science which studies the men sexuality and its related hormonal functions.

ANESTHESIOLOGY / INTENSIVE/CRITICAL CARE/ EMERGENCY MEDICINE / TRAUMATOLOGY = Pain control, reanimation, comas, recovery after acute diseases/accidents/injuries that require immediate medical attention.

BACTERIOLOGY = Science which studies the bacteria.

BIOLOGY = Science of Life.

CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE = Science which studies the heart and blood vessels functions and diseases.

CELLULAR BIOLOGY = Science which studies the units of life (the cells) and their substances.

COSMETOLOGY = is the study and application of beauty treatment.
AESTHETIC MEDICINE = inclusive term for specialties that focus on improving cosmetic appearance through the treatment of conditions including (but not limited to) scars, skin laxity, wrinkles, moles, liver spots, excess fat, cellulite, unwanted hair, skin discoloration, and spider veins. Traditionally, aesthetic medicine includes dermatologyreconstructive surgery, and plastic surgery, however, it is not strictly limited to these fields.

DENTISTRY = Science which studies the mouth, the surrounding tissues and their diseases.

DERMATOLOGY = Science which studies the skin and its diseases.

DIABETOLOGY and METABOLIC DISEASES = Science which studies diabetes and other metabolic diseases (obesity, gout, etc.).

ENDOCRINOLOGY = Science which studies the hormones and the diseases related to their imbalance.

GASTRO-ENTEROLOGY = Science which studies the stomach, the duodenum, the pancreas, the small and the large intestine functions and their diseases.

GERIATRY & GERONTOLOGY = Medical branch and science which studies the people of the “third” or “wisdom age”.

GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS = Science which studies the women genitals, its diseases + Birth Control and Assistance.

HEMATOLOGY = Science which studies the blood and its diseases.

HEPATOLOGY = Science which studies the liver, gall bladder and their diseases.

IMMUNOLOGY = Science which studies the immune system and its diseases.

INFECTIOUS & CONTAGIOUS DISEASES = Medical branch which studies the infectious and contagious diseases caused by micro-organisms.

MICROBIOLOGY = Science which studies the microbes.

MYCOLOGY = Science which studies the microscopical mushrooms (mycelia) and the diseases caused by them.

MYOLOGY = Science which studies the muscles and their diseases.

NEPHROLOGY – UROLOGY = Science which studies the kidney, the ureters, the urinary bladder, the urethra, and their diseases.

NEUROLOGY = Science which studies the nervous system and its diseases.

NUTRITION = Science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food (e.g. phytonutrients, anthocyaninstannins, etc.) in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health, and disease of an organism. It includes food intake, absorption, assimilationbiosynthesiscatabolism, and excretion.

OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE = Branch of clinical medicine most active in the field of occupational health. O.M. specialists work to ensure that the highest standards of occupational health and safety can be achieved and maintained. While it may involve a wide number of disciplines, it centers on the preventive medicine and management of illness, injury or disability that is related to the workplace.

ONCOLOGY & RADIATION DISEASES = Science which studies the benign and malign tumors (cancers) + diseases caused by radiation.

OPHTHALMOLOGY = Science which studies the eyes, the eyesight and its disorders or diseases.

ORTHOPEDICS & SPORT MEDICINE = Disciplines that studies the locomotory system (bones, tendons, joints) and the medicine related to sports

OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY = Science which studies the nose, the sinuses, the throat, the larynx, and their diseases.

PARASITOLOGY = Science which studies the parasites and the diseases caused by them.

PEDIATRY & NEONATOLOGY = Medical specialty related to the children and newborn babies diseases.

PHYSIOTHERAPY = Method of treatment which uses different physical stimulus as magnetic fields, electrical currents, ultrasounds, etc.

PROCTOLOGY = Science which studies the rectum and its diseases.

PSYCHIATRY & MENTAL HEALTH = Medical branch which studies the mentally and emotionally disorders and diseases.

PULMONARY MEDICINE = Science which studies the lungs and their diseases.

RADIOLOGY & RADIATION BIOLOGY = Science which studies the effects of radiation on life forms.

RHEUMATOLOGY = Study and science of rheumatic diseases.

SEXOPATHOLOGY = Study of sexual diseases.

SURGERY, PLASTIC & REPARATORY SURGERY =  General Surgery + “Cosmetic” and repair surgery (usually after traumas, burns, scalds).

TOXICOLOGY = branch of biologychemistry, and medicine (more specifically pharmacology) concerned with the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.

TROPICAL DISEASES = diseases that are prevalent in or unique to tropical and subtropical regions.

VETERINARY MEDICINE = Science of Animal’s Health and Diseases.

VIROLOGY = Science which studies the viruses and their effects on the life forms.

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