apitherapy books
Books on Apitherapy from all over the world. If you know of any other book that is not listed here, please let us know!
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Apitherapy Books, Booklets and Magazines
Please send any new title of apitherapy related book to Dr. Stefan Stangaciu
- *** (1974) – Les produits de la ruche, aliments, santé et beauté,
Apimondia Edition.
- *** The beehive products, food, health, beauty (1974, 1989) .
Apimondia Publishing House , Bucharest, Romania; 160 pp. (*** 1989 edition).
- *** (1976) – New Apitherapy Research – 2nd International Symposium on Apitherapy, Bucharest, Romania, 2-7.09.1976, 360 pages,
ApimondiaPublishing House , Bucharest, Romania (***).
- *** Thorsons Eds. (1979, 1989) (UK) – The Healing Power of Pollen with Propolis and Royal Jelly.
Wellingborough, Northhampshire: Thorsons Publ. Group. ISBN 0-7225-1878-1. 112 pp. (***)
- *** Apitherapy today.On the composition and utilisation of bee products andpreparations in nutrition and therapeutics with regard to their biological value .
Apimondia Publishing House , Bucharest, Romania.
1976 , 107 pp. (English edition) (***);
1976 , 105 pp (French edition) (***);
1980 (German edition: ” Apitherapie Heute” ); 103 Seiten (***);
1981 (Romanian second edition);
1989 (Romanian third edition, 103 pp. (***).
- *** (1978, 1979) – The Third International Symposium on Apitherapy , Portoroz, Yugoslavia, 11-15 September 1978 .
Apimondia Publishing House , Bucharest, Romania, 1979, 397 pages(***).
- *** (1981) (France) – Apitherapie .
Revue Française d’Apiculture , 399, supplement, 104 pages.
- *** (1987) (France) – Aujourd’hui l’Apithérapie (Supplement).
Revue Française d’Apiculture, # 465, (7-8).
- *** (1989) – The bee products, food, health and beauty(Romanian).
Apimondia Publishing House , Bucharest, Romania, 160 pages (***).
- *** (since 1994) (USA) – Bee Informed. The official magazine of the
American Apitherapy Society.
- *** (1994) – Apitherapy in Romania (Romanian).
Apimondia Publishing House , Bucharest, Romania, 174 pp. ISBN 973-605-016-5 (***).
- *** (Germany) (since 1998) – Deutsche Apitherapie Zeitung , the official magazine of the German Apitherapy Society .
- *** (1999) – Abstract of Papers – Pacific Northwest Apitherapy Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June, 12-14, 1998.
Apitherapy Education Service – Apitronic Services, pp. 25. - Alles, G. K.; Alles, T. P. (1965) (USSR) – Miel et santé (Russian).
Talinn: Kirjastus “Eesti Raamat”. 103 pp. 330L/66. - Amor, D. M. (1978) – Composition, properties and uses of honey – a literature survey.
Scientific and Technical Surveys. Leatherhead Food R.A. 108, 84 pp. 1430L/81. - Asis, M. (1988) (Cuba) – Los productos de la colmena. Composicion y uso de la miel ,cera , polen , jalea real , propoleo y veneno de las abejas (Spanish).
Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Agropecuaria (CIDA), Ciudad de la Habana, 65 pages. - Asis, M. (1988) – Les produits de la ruche: composition et utilisations du miel , de lacire , du pollen , de la gélée royale , de la propolis et du venin d’abeille.
Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Agropecuario . Havana. Cuba. 65 pp. 1303L/90. - Balalykina V. I. (1972) (USSR) – Influence of propolis .
Kasan Publishing Co. USSR.
- Bonimond, J. P. (1976) (France) – Apitherapie : medecine et apiculture ,
in Revue Française d’Apiculture , 348, 112 pages (supplement). 1375L/77
- Brown, Ron (1989) (U.K.) – Hive products: Pollen, Propolis and Royal Jelly ,
in Bee World 70 (3), p.109-17;
in IBRA Reprint No. M121, ISBN 0 86098 198 3. (***).
- Brown, Royden (1993) (USA) – Bee Hive Product Bible. A complete guide to Bee Pollen, Propolis, Honey and Royal Jelly for Health, Vitality and Beauty. Wondrous products from one of Nature’s most productive creatures .
Avery Publishing Group Inc., Garden City Park, New York, USA, 226 pages. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication-Data. ISBN 0-89529-521-0 (***).
- Burruezo, Pedro (1999) (España) – La salud por las abejas. Los productos del panal, alimento y medicamento .
Editorial Tikal . Barcelona. España. 158 páginas.
- Caillas, Alin (1957) (France) – Les trois aliments miracles .
- Caillas, Alin (1959) – Le pollen – sa recolte et ses usages.
- Caillas, Alin (1971) (France) – Gagnez vingt ans de vie grace aux abeilles .
La Pensée Moderne . Paris.
- Caillas, Alin (1973) – Le pollen et les troubles de la prostate.
- Caillas, Alin (1973) – Les vertus merveilleuse du pollen (brochure).
- Caillas, Alin (1975) (France) – The Pollen (Romanian).
Apimondia Publishing House. Bucharest. 86 pp. (***).
- Caillas, Alin (1978) (France) – Le pollen – sa recolte et ses usages.
Orleans. Brochure. 2-eme édition. 16 pp. (***).
- Carretero, J. L. (1989) – Analisis Polinicode la Miel.
Ediciones Mundi-Prensa , Madrid, España.
- Chkenderov, S.; Ivanov, Tz. (1983) (Bulgaria) – Les produits de l’abeille .
Zemizdat , 238 pages (***-abstract in Honey bibliography).
- Crane Eva (1975, 1979) (UK) – Honey, a comprehensive survey.
William Heinemann (London). 608 pages. 542/76
- Crane Eva (1980) (UK) – A Book of Honey .
Oxford University Press. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data. ISBN 0-19-217657-9. ISBN 0-19-286010-0 Pbk. 193 pages (***).
- Croft Laurie (1987) – Honey and Health.
Thorsons Publishing Group. ISBN 0-7225-1389-5. 112 pages (***).
- Dany, Bernd (1988, 1992) – Selbstgemachtes aus Bienenprodukten. Vollwertkost. Sportnahrung. Naturkosmetik. Naturheilmittel.
Ehrenwirth Verlag . München. Germany.
ISBN 3-431-02934-5. 174 Seiten.
- Dobrovoda I. (1986) (Czechoslovakia) – Les produits d’abeilles et la santé .
Priroda , Bratislava, Czechoslovakia.
- Donadieu,Yves (1975) (France) – Le Pollen. Therapeutique naturelle .
Brochure, Paris.
- Donadieu,Yves (1978) (France) – Le miel.
Maloine. Paris. France.
- Donadieu,Yves (1982) (France) – Der Pollen. Natürliche Heilbehandlung.
Verlag Maloine , 5. Auflage.
- Donadieu, Yves (1983) (France) – Honey in natural therapeutics (English).
Maloine Editeur S.A. Paris. 2-Nd. Ed. 48 pp. 312L784.
- Donadieu, Yves (1987) (France) – Gélée Royale. Natürliche Heilbehandlung.
C.Koch Verlag. Oppenau/Schwarzwald. Germany, 64 Seiten. ISBN 3-9800797-1-6 (***).
- Donadieu, Yves (1987, 1991) (France) – Die Pollen. Natürliche Heilbehandlung .C.Koch Verlag. Oppenau/Schwarzwald. Germany. ISBN 3-9800797-3-2. 64 Seiten.
- Donadieu, Yves (1991) (France) – Le pollen (Les fiches d’apitherapie).
Donadieu Editions.
- Ebel, Gottlieb (1988) (1993) – Bienen-Segen. Vitalkraft und Heilwirkung der Bienenprodukten.
Ariston Verlag , Genf, Germany, 1988, 222 pages;
ISBN 3-7205-1489-7 (printed in Austria) (***);
Wilhelm Heyne Verlag , München, Germany, 1993, 222 pages; ISBN 3-453-06643-x (Propolis pages: 39-43; 45; 83-89; 89; 100-02; 106-09; 112-15; 118-21; 122; 127-32; 139-75; 177-96; 198) (***).
- Ebel, Gottlieb (1994) – Gesundheit aus der Bienen-Apotheke. Bienenprodukte – ihre natürliche Vitalkraft und Heilwirkung. Ariston Verlag, Genf, Germany, 222 Seiten;
ISBN 3-7205-1796-9 (Die erste Auflage war in 1988 unter der Titel: Bienensegen …).
- El – Banby, M.A. (1987) – Les abeilles dans le Coran et la Medicine (Arab).
Al – Ahram Centre for Translation and Publishing , ed. 2, 205 pages.
- Hanssen,Maurice (1979) – The Healing Power of Pollen and Other Products from the Beehive.
Thorsons Publishers Limited , Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. ISBN 0 7225 0526 4. 96 pp. (***).
- Herold,E. (1970) (Germany) – Substances guerissantesprovenantes des abeilles(German).
Ehrenwirth Verlag, München, 228 pages.
- Herold,Edmund (1970) (Germany) – Heilwerte aus dem Bienenvolk (Honig, Pollen, Gellee Royale, Wachs).
Ehrenwirth Verlag , München, Germany. (B, AA1042/71)
- Herold, Edmund (1975) (Germany) – The healing substances of the honeybees(German).
Ehrenwirth Verlag, München, Germany, 226 pages.
- Herold, Edmund (1985) (Germany) – The cicatrising substances of the honeybees(German).
Ehrenwirth Verlag, Ed. 10. 224 pages.
- Herold,Edmund (1988) (Germany) – Heilwerte aus dem Bienenvolk (Honig, Pollen, Gellee Royale, Wachs) .
Ehrenwirth Verlag , München, Germany.
- Herold Edmund, Leibold Gerhard (1991) (Germany) – Heilwerte aus dem Bienenvolk. Honig, Pollen, Gelee Royale, Wachs, Propolis und Bienengift – Ihre Bedeutung für die Gesundheit und Behandlung von Krankheiten.
Ehrenwirth Verlag Gmbh, München, 242 pages; ISBN 3-431-03162-5 (***).
- Hristea L. Constantin, Ialomiteanu Mircea (1966, 1969, 1972) (Romania) – Thebee products for human health(Romanian).
Asociatia Crescatorilor de albine. Biblioteca Apicultorului , nr. 5/1966, 116 pages (Propolis pages: 74-82) (***); nr. 8/1969; the Third edition, in Apimondia Publishing House, 1972.
- Ialomiteanu,M. (1978) (Romania) – Pollen. Food and Drug. Biostimulative and therapeutically value (Romanian).
Apimondia Publishing House. Bucharest. 158 pp. (***).
- Ioyrish,Naum Petrovich (1964) (USSR) – Pcholy, krylatyie farmatsevty .
- Ioyrish,Naum Petrovich (1966) (Uzbekistan-USSR) – The honeybees and the Medicine (“Pcholy i meditsina”) (Russian).
Izdatel’stvo Meditsina , Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 192 pages. 396L/68.
- Ioyrish,Naum Petrovich (1966, 1968, 1979) (USSR) – Les abeilles, pharmaciennes ailées (French).
Editions Mir, Moscou, 1966; 3-e edition completée, 1979, 240 pp. (***).
- Ioyrish, Petrovich Naum (1975) (USSR) – Bees and people .
Mir Publishers , Moscow; 213 pp. (***)
- Ioyrish, Petrovich Naum (1977) (USSR) – Curative properties of honey and bee venom .
New Glide Publications , San Francisco, California, USA, 198 pp. 280L/79
- Jarvis, D. C. (1958) (USA) – Folk medicine .
Fawcett Crest., New York.
- Jarvis, D. C. (1961) (USA) – Folk medicine: a doctor’s guide to good health. Pan Books . London.
- Jarvis, D. C. (1976) (USA) – Honey and other natural products. (Romanian).
Apimondia Publishing House.
- Kaal, Jacob (1986) (Holland) – Apitherapie, genezing met produkten van bijen (Apis mellifera) (Dutch),
Drukkerij Kaal . Amsterdam, Holand.
- Kaal, Jacob (1986) (Holland) – Bijen Gezondheidsboekje (Dutch).
Drukkerij Kaal , Amsterdam, Holland.
- Kaal, Jacob (1991) (Holand) – Natural Medicine from Honey Bees (Apitherapy). Propolis. Bee venom. Royal jelly. Pollen. Honey. Apilarnil.
Kaal’s Printing House, Amsterdam , Holland, 93 pages,
ISBN 90-9004522-8 (***).
- Köwing, Ernst (1992, 1994, 1998) (Germany) – Gesundheit durch die Bienen. Die hilfe der Biene zum (Über-) Leben.
Immen Verlag , Oldenburg, Germany, 1992, 125 pages; Propolis pages: 27; 29; 59-73; 79-92; 93-95; 111; 113-14; ISBN 3-929193-00-0 (***).
- Lund, Arne (1997) – Natürlich heilen mit Honig. Mit Honig, Pollen, Gelee Royale und Propolis Krankheiten vorbeugen und wirksam behandeln. Die besten Rezepturen für Gesundheit und wohlbefinden.
W.Ludwig Buch – Verlag in der Südwest Verlag Gmbh & Co., KG, München, Germany. 97 Seiten. ISBN 3-7787-3599-3.
- Lyngheim Linda, Scagnetti,Jack (1979) (USA) – Bee Pollen. Nature’s Miracle Health Food.
Melvin Powers. Wilshire Book Company. North Hollywood, California. ISBN 0-87980-371-1. 90 pp. (***).
- Makashvili,Z.A. (1965) (Georgia-USSR) – L’ apitherapie et ses services pour l’homme (Russian).
Sabchota Sakartvelo , 28 pages, Tbilisi.
- Marin,M., Popa,Al., Popescu,N., Serban,M., Suteanu,A. (1957, 1966) (Romania) –Dieteticand therapeutic value of bee products(Romanian). Editura Agro-Silvica , Bucuresti, Romania.
- Mladenov,S. (1972) (Bulgaria) – Honey and honey therapy(Romanian).
Ceres Publishing House , Sibiu, Romania.
- Mladenov,S. (1989) (Bulgaria) – Bee products and medicine .
Meditzina i Fizkultura , Sofia, Ed. 2, 151 pages.
- Mladenov,S. (1989) (Bulgaria) – Les produits de l’abeille et la médecine.
Meditzina i Fizkultura , Sofia, Ed. 2, 151 pp. 1304L/90.
- Moises Asis (2007)(USA) – Apiterapia 101 para todos(Spanish).
Publisher: Rodes Printing; 3rd. edition (July 27, 2007)
ISBN-10: 1890829439
ISBN-13: 978-1890829438.
- Nardi Umberto (1996) (Italy) – Apiterapia. Curarsi con il Miele , Polline , Propoli ,Pappa Reale e Veleno d’api.
Aporie Edizione. Roma.
ISBN 88-85192-11-4.
- Parkhill, M. Joe (1982) (USA) – Wonderful World of Bee Pollen. Honey. Propolis. Royal Jelly. Beeswax.
Country Bazaar Publishing Co. Berryville, Arizona.
ISBN 0-936744-06-5 (***).
- Paunescu Tamara, Maftei Ion, Hossu Traian, Mosteanu Tatiana (1988)(Romania) – Apiphytotherapy. Studies and research regarding a new group of original Romanian drugs (Romanian).
Apimondia Publishing House , Bucharest, Romania, 112 pages (***).
- Potschinkova Pavlina (1986) (Bulgaria) – Ptschelnite produkti w medizinata(Bulgarian).
BAN Publishing House , Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Potschinkova Pavlina (1986) (Bulgaria) – Bee products in Medicine .
Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences , Sofia.
- Potschinkova Pavlina (1992, 1999) (Bulgaria) – Bienenprodukte in der Medizin. Apitherapie.
Ehrenwirth Verlag Gmbh, München, Germany, 169 pages; ISBN 3-431-03247-8 (***). 1999 edition (Apitherapie. Die Heilkraft von Honig & Co.) has as ISBN 3-431-04010-1.
- Potschinkova Pavlina (1996) (Bulgaria) – Handbuch der apireflextherapie (Behandlung und Selbsthilfe mit Akupunktur , Akupressur und Bienenprodukten ).
Sonntag Verlag , Stuttgart, Germany. ISBN 3-87758-097-1. (396 pages) (***).
- Proserpio, G. (1981) (Italy) – Cosmetic productswith beehive products (Italian).
Erboristeria Domani Libri , l’ape cosmetica, Milan, Italy, 142 pages (***-abstract in honey bibliography).
- Raynal-Cartabas Claudette – Guerir avec les abeilles, Ed. Tredaniel, France
- Riahovski,B.I. (1983) – Miel, cire, propolis .
Alma-Ata, Kainar .
- Schlüter,H., Mücke,H.W., Pietrzik,E. (1981) – Heilkraft aus der Biene für die Medizin (Bee Healing Power for Medicine) (German),
Heinrich Mack Nachf. Illertissen.
- Stangaciu, Stefan; Hartenstein, Elfi (2000) (Romania) – Sanft heilen mit Bienenprodukten. So nützen Sie die gesunde Kraft von Honig, Propolis, Gelee Royal & Co.
Karl F. Haug Verlag , Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 3-8304-2031-5; 117 Seiten (***).
- Stangaciu, Stefan – Sanft heilen mit Honig, Propolis und Bienenwachs ” (“Soft healing with honey, propolis and beeswax”), TRIAS Publishing House, first edition, June 2015. Orders possible also through Amazon
- Stangaciu Stefan, Claudette Raynal Cartabas – En bonne sante avec les abeilles (French), Ed. Tredaniel, 2015
ALP Forum 2006, Nr. 41d – Stefan Bogdanov, Peter Gallman (ALP), Stefan Stangaciu, Theodore Cherbuliez
ISSN: 1661-0814 (online)
- Stein Irene (1989) (UK) – Royal Jelly. The New Guide to Nature’s Richest Health Food. Thorsons Publshing Group. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, Engand. ISBN 0-7225-2159-6. 128 pp. (***).
Dr. Christian Thuile
Bienen helfen heilen. Die Apitherapie – Wiederentdeckung einer Heilkunst
Athesia, Bozen 2019, 144 Seiten, 165 x 240 mm ISBN 978-88-6839-367-0
- Uccusic, Paul (1982, 1984, 1985) – Doktor Biene. Bienenprodukte: Ihre Heilkraft und Anwendung .
Ariston Verlag , Genf, Germany, 1982, 198 Seiten; ISBN 3-453-06997-8; 5 Aufl. 1985 (***).
- Urtubey, Néstor (2003) (Argentina) – Apitoxina. Del veneno de Abejas a la Apitoxina de Uso Medico .
Santiago del Estero, Argentina. 157 paginas. Segunda edicion.
© Néstor Urtubey. ISBN: 987-43-5831-9 (***).
E-mail del autor: farmlago@cybertermas.com.ar
- Vinogradova T.V., Zaitsev,G.P. (ed.) (1962) (USSR) – Les abeilles et la santé de l’homme (Russian).
Ministry of Agriculture Publishing House, Moscow, 191 pages. 217L/63.
- Wade Carlson (1992) (USA) – Health from the Hive. Bee pollen. Honey. Propolis. Royal jelly. Nature’s power-packed healers: what they are, how they work and what they can do for you!
Keats Publishing, Inc. , New Canaan, Connecticut, USA, 1992, 163 pages; propolis pages, 95-123; ISBN 0-87983-581-8 (***).
- Wade Carlson (1994) – Bienen-Power. Gesundheit aus dem Bienenstock. Honig, Pollen, Propolis, Gelee Royale. 128 Seiten .
Ehrenwirth Verlag , München.
ISBN 3-431-03340-7.
- Walji, Hasnain (1996) – Bee Health: The Revitalizing Power of Propolis , Royal Jellyand Pollen .
IBRA. 78 pages (concise guidelines on using these as health supplements ).