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Apitherapy.com est une porte d’entrée vers une communauté mondiale de médecins, de naturopathes et d’autres professionnels qui se sont engagés à utiliser les abeilles et les produits de la ruche pour prévenir et traiter les maladies des êtres humains et des animaux.
L’apithérapie n’est pas seulement une science, mais aussi un art. Les produits de la ruche sont extraordinaires pour nous garder en bonne santé, mais aussi pour apporter vitalité, force et beauté. Des études montrent que les produits de la ruche peuvent ralentir ou même inverser le vieillissement.
Explorons donc plus en détail ces incroyables produits de la ruche!

For the past 20 years, I have dedicated my research and work on the healing benefits of apitherapy. I am honoured and happy to share valuable knowledge on apitherapy with you. Thank you sincerely for taking the time to explore Apitherapy.com!
ștefan stângaciu, md.
Family Medicine Specialist, Licensed in Acupuncture, Apitherapy, Phytotherapy,
and Aromatherapy
Founder and owner of Apitherapy.com
Our approach
Although we recognize the value of allopathic medicine, especially in acute diseases and emergencies (traumas, heart attacks, strokes, etc.), our approach on healing is primarily integrative and includes the use of all beehive products, from honey to beehive air.
We believe that in most instances, these particular bee products have a useful synergistic effect, especially when combined with well-individualized diets, herbs, aromatherapy, acupuncture, Ayurveda and a healthy lifestyle based on the concept of harmony at all levels.
Not all people react alike to all treatments, therefore, we encourage a gradual approach with accurate record-keeping, which allows for time to monitor and adjust the treatment methods as needed.

Online Consultations with Dr. Ștefan Stângaciu
If you have a particular, difficult to cure disease/condition, and everything you tried until now didn’t work for you, you may contact Dr. Stefan Stangaciu and his colleagues and ask for their help.
Also, if you would like to start a new project related to Apitherapy (e.g. building an Apitherapy Center, learning how to make various Apitherapy preparations, etc., etc.), just let us know.
ABEILLES MÉDICINALES Nom commun Nom latin Pièces utiles Culture (miel/ha) Sapin Abies alba bourgeo
ABEILLES MÉDICINALES Nom commun Nom latin Pièces utiles Culture (miel/ha) Sapin Abies alba bourgeo
Parfums de fleurs qui attirent les abeilles et les papillons à votre jardin
Le processus de reproduction des plantes nécessite une pollinisation pour s’assurer que les plant
Parfums de fleurs qui attirent les abeilles et les papillons à votre jardin
Le processus de reproduction des plantes nécessite une pollinisation pour s’assurer que les plant
Beehive Products


Apitherapy against Multiple Sclerosis
The bees have restored my health! The secret ? Trust, hope and be amazed!D.P., Giurgiu (Romania) former patient
Honey against cataract
A miracle is an exceptional occurrence that is in opposition or independent of the natural laws. We know honey since the beginning of humanity and we still discover its miraculous benefits. The bees collect nectar, then transform it and put it side to nourish itself some;American Bee Journal April 2004
Bee stings
We had a case of a close friend of a beekeeper who was diagnosed with a malignant tumor too advanced for possible surgical removal. The apiculturist, faced with the despair of his friend, invited him to the apiary with the affected area uncovered.Dr. Eduardo Lema Montevideo, Uruguay

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